Ключи к упражнению на употребление неправильных глаголов

Ключи к упражнению на употребление неправильных глаголов (A-B)

(Смотреть после выполнения упражнения.)

Перейти к упражнению на употребление неправильных глаголов


1)      The noise of the wind did not awake her.

2)      Nobody met me at the station where I alighted.

3)      The night was already very deep and dark, but she could still see his face, alighted by dull candle glitter.

4)      A serious problem has arisen.

5)      He was awoken abruptly by an enormous noise which made the whole house shake.

6)      I was beaten so much nothing hurts me any more.

7)      He became keen on electronic music and the next year released his debut album.

8)      She had bought a new coat by last winter.

9)      When he returned to his house in month, he was shocked. The apricot and cherry trees he had planted and reared were broken. And, worse still, all the beehives were burnt.

10)  “I’m very sorry, Eeyore – but… when I was running along to bring the balloon to you, I fell down.» «Dear, dear, how unlucky! You ran too fast,  I  expect. You didn’t hurt yourself, Little Piglet?» «No, but I … I … oh, Eeyore, I burst the balloon!»

11)  The greatest light container recycling plant has been built for the company General Recycling, one of the main paper and cardboard recycling companies in Greece.

12)  The radio had broadcast hurricane warnings on the night that Hurricane Mitch came visiting. But nobody in Pedro Dias had believed the flood warnings.


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  Английский язык. Все неправильные глаголы. Справочное пособие В. Ф. Шпаковский, И. В. Шпаковская. Английские неправильные глаголы. Александр Драгункин.  А. В. Петроченков 400 неправильных глаголов английского языка. Учебный англо-русский словарь


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