Фрагмент фильма «Патриот» на английском языке (эпизод 5)

Martin: You really expect to hold Cornwallis here using just militia?
135Translator-Specialist Program Movie-Class
Harry: Not me, you.
Martin: Harry, they’re not soldiers, they’re farmers. They’d be better off
letting the British just march through.
Harry: They’d be better off, but the cause wouldn’t…
Martin: How many men does Cornwallis have under his command?
Harry: 8,000 infantry… around 600 cavalry. I’m giving you a field
commission as a colonel.
Martin: Might I request, sir, that you transfer my son, here, under my command…
Gabriel: Sir, no I…
Harry: That’s done.
Martin: Thank you…
Gabriel: Colonel, I’ve been a soldier now for two years as a scout, horse- man, marksman, scavenger.
Martin: Is that so?
Gabriel: Yes, sir. I could be of better service with the Regulars.
Martin: Where did you learn all that riding, shooting, scavenging?
Gabriel: My father taught me.
Martin: He teach you any humility?
Gabriel: He tried. It didn’t take.
Martin: He also taught you every deer path and swamp trail between here and Charlestown, which is why he asked for your transfer… We’ll put the word out. Start on the south side of the Santee…
Gabriel: We’ll cover more ground if we split up.
Martin: Very well, Corporal, you take Harrisville, Pembroke, Wakefield. I’ll start on the north side of the Santee and we’ll meet at old Span- ish mission in Black Swamp.
Gabriel: Yes, sir.
Martin: And, Corporal… be careful.
Gabriel: Yes, sir.
Martin: You have children? French…

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