Вопросы к зачёту по практической грамматике и образец карточки

Theory Questions for the Test Lesson in Practical Grammar

  1. Basic meaning of the passive
  2. Forms of passive verbs
  3. Verbs that can and can not be used in the passive
  4. Reasons for mentioning and not mentioning the agent
  5. Construction ‘Have smth done’
  6. Passive in the Complex Subject construction
  7. Prepositional passive: verbs and usage (in all the tense forms)
  8. Other advanced constructions with need, get, make, cover.
  9. Styles and genres suitable and unsuitable for passive
  10. Conditional sentences of different types
  11. The use of different conjunctions in conditional sentences
  12. The use of should, were, happen, will and would (in the subordinate clause) in conditional sentences
  13. Sentences on the base of hope and wish
  14. Constructions of preference and demand, etc
  15. As if constructions
  16. Clichéd phrases
  17. Conditionals with modals and imperatives


  1. Translate into English using the passive and conditional forms.
  2. В дом моих соседей прошлой ночью вломились грабители.
  3. Мои документы украдены!
  4. Она стрижётся (в парикмахерской) раз в два месяца.
  5. Если бы только он не выпил так много, этого бы не произошло.
  6. Жаль, что ты пропустил столько занятий.
  7. Comment on the following sentences with active grammar.
  8. He will have been considered a genius by 20, I guess.
  9. Make her eat or she will have an eating disorder.
  10. Pete would have applied for legal help if he were having any trouble.
  11. Unless you are mistaken, we might have won the round.
  12. My bicycle has been stolen two times.
  13. Respond to the following using the active constructions.

Have you ever got stopped by the police?

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