Лабораторная работа: Present Simple, Daily Routines, Student’s Life

Выполните следующее задание письменно в гугл-документе, откройте доступ для комментирования вашего гугл-документа «для всех, у кого есть ссылка» (!!!), прикрепите ссылку на гугл-документ с выполненной работой к этой странице (см. внизу зелёную кнопку «Подготовить отчёт»).

УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ: Мурзинова, И. А. Do Well in English! Part 1: Учебное пособие по практическому курсу английского языка / И. А. Мурзинова. – [б. м.] : Издательские решения, 2023. – 550 с. – ISBN 978-5-0050-4056-5.


1. Listen to the first part of the audio (An Interview with Emma) and write a text about Emma. You should mention:

    • what Emma is doing these days
    • where she comes from
    • where she lives
    • her parents
    • her brother and his age
    • what Emma’s brother is doing at the time of the interview
    • what her brother usually does at this time (the time of the interview)
    • where her father lives
    • how often they see him

2. Listen to the second part of the audio (Life in a Japanese School). Do exercises 20-26, pp 50-53 from the textbook Do Well in English. Part I in written form.

3. Make youir own dialogue (see exercise 25, p. 52) using the vocabulary from the audio about life in a Japanese school (no fewer than 10 items). Write it down in the google doc.

4. Practice reading the dialogue from ewxercise 3 above using the proper intonation. Learn the dialogue for your next class. Tell the teacher that you are going to present the dialogue to other students 5 min before your next English class.

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