ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ФОНЕТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА (список тем для зачёта / аттестации с оценкой)

Программа дисциплины «Практическая фонетика английского языка»



Выписка из программы (уточнённая с учётом реалий) с указанием страниц пособия «Do Well in English» для подготовки к аттестации с оценкой

1. Словесное ударение. Понятие словесного ударения, его функции. — DWE, § 90-92, стр. 347-351. АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» «Привести примеры на английском языке.

2. Словесное ударение в одно- и многосложных словах. Тенденции, влияющие на место ударения. Смыслоразличительная функция английского ударения. — DWE, § 93, стр. 351-353.  АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры на английском языке.

3. Правила чтения гласных букв в четырёх типах ударного слога.- DWE, § 87-88, стр. 342-346АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры на английском языке.

4. Правила чтения гласных букв в буквосочетаниях (выбрать подходящий материал из указанных параграфов пособия). — DWE, § 87-102, стр. 342-370АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры на английском языке.

5. Правила чтения согласных букв в буквосочетаниях (выбрать подходящий материал из указанных параграфов пособия). — DWE, § 87-102, стр. 342-370АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры на английском языке.

6. Правила чтения сочетаний гласных и согласных букв (выбрать подходящий материал из указанных параграфов пособия). — DWE, § 87-102, стр. 342-370АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры на английском языке.

7. Интонация. Интонация, ее компоненты и функции. Синтагма/Интонационная группа. Фразы, состоящие из двух интонационных групп.- DWE, § 64, стр. 280-281; § 69, стр. 288. АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»  Ритм и ритмогруппа  — DWE, § 75, стр. 309  АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» Привести примеры предложений на английском языке, начертить их интонационные схемы.

8. Элементы интонационной структуры, их графическое изображение. Первый ударный слог. Тон начальных безударных слогов. Тон конечных безударных слогов. — DWE, § 65-68, стр. 282-286. АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»  Привести примеры предложений на английском языке, начертить их интонационные схемы.

9. Низкий нисходящий тон (Low Fall) и его коммуникативные функции. — DWE, § 68, стр. 287-288; § 70, стр. 289-293АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

10. Низкий восходящий тон (Low Rise) и его коммуникативные функции. — DWE, § 68, стр. 287-288; §§ 72-73, стр. 300-303. АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

11. Высокий нисходящий тон (High Fall) и его коммуникативные функции.  — DWE, § 68, стр. 287-288; DWE, § 79, стр. 320-322. Логическое ударение — DWE, § 78, стр. 316-320; АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ» 

12. Высокий восходящий тон (High Rise) и его коммуникативные функции. — DWE, § 68, стр. 287-288; DWE, § 80, стр. 322-323АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

13. Нисходяще-восходящий тон (Fall Rise) и его коммуникативные функции.  — DWE, § 68, стр. 287-288; DWE, § 81, стр. 280-282АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

14. Интонация четырёх основных типов вопросов. (Интонация общих вопросов — DWE, § 74, стр. 308-309;Интонация специальных вопросов —DWE, § 76, стр. 311-314; Интонация альтернативных вопросов — DWE, § 77, стр. 314-316;Интонация разделительных вопросов — DWE, § 77, стр. 314-316; АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

15. Движение тона в вводных конструкциях, обращении, прямой и косвенной речи: Интонация вводных конструкций  — DWE, § 84, стр. 332.Интонация предложений с обращением. —  DWE, § 71, стр. 294. Интонация предложений с прямой речью.-  DWE, § 85, стр. 336-338; DWE, § 124-126, стр. 455-470; Интонация предложений с косвенной речью  —  DWE, § 86, стр. 338 -342АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

16. Интонация английских формул вежливости: приветствийпрощанияизвинений, благодарностей

17. Восприятие современной английской речи на слух. Коррекция и развитие навыков восприятия английской речи на слух в контексте ее вариативной обусловленности (отчёт по выполненным упражнениям): DWE, упр. 3, стр. 457; упр. 6, стр. 467; упр. 7,  стр. 469. АУДИО К РАЗДЕЛУ «ИНТОНАЦИЯ»

Интонационная разметка:

— фразовое ударение

\ — низкий нисходящий тон (Low Fall)

/ — низкий восходящий тон (Low  Rise)

 ‵ — высокий нисходящий тон (High Rise)

\/ — нисходяще-восходящий тон (Fall Rise)

/\ — восходяще-нисходящий тон (Rise Fall)

| — короткая пауза

|| — длинная пауза

↑ — слово, выделяемое фразовым ударением несколько сильнее, чем другие


Red Roses

by Christine Lindop

Chapter I. White Roses

‘It ’s \August.|| Anna | is playing her gui\tar | on the balcony of hernew a\partment.|| ‘’I \like it here,’ she thinks.||

/Then | her \phone rings.|| It’s her friend \Vicki.|| ‘I’m coming \now, /Anna.|| It’s Grandview A\partments, | \Charlton,| /isn’t it?’|| \‘That ’s /right.|| See you \/soon.’||

Anna takes her gui\tar | and goes out of her a\partment.|| She goesdown in the /elevator | and goes out\side.||

Anna is waiting outside the a\partment building.|| A young man is walking along the \street.|| He is ‘carrying a ‘bunch of ↑white \roses. \|| ‘Anna ‘looks at them.|| ‘What ‘beautiful ‵roses!’ she thinks.|| \Then | she ‘looks at the ‘young \man.|| ‘↑He ’s nice \too!’ she thinks.|| The ‘young ‘man /looks at her | and \smiles, | and ↑suddenly ‘Anna’s ‘face is ‵pink.||

‘Will is walking along the \street, | when ‘he ‘sees a ‘young \woman | with a gui\tar.|| ‘\Hmm | — a gui\tar!’ he thinks.|| ‘I ↑must play my gui’tar ‘more ‵often.’||  \/Then | he ‘looks at the ‘young \woman.|| ‘\She’s /nice!’ he thinks, | and he ‘smiles \at her.||

‘Anna’s ‘face is \pink, | and she ‘looks a\way.|| ‘Will | goes into ‘Grandview A\partments.|| \Just /then, | ‘Vicki a’rrives in her \car.|| ‘He\llo, /Anna,’ she says.|| ‘Are \you O/K?|| Your ‘face is a ‘bit \pink.|| ‘What’s the ‵matter?’||

‘’Oh — ‘er — ‵nothing,’ says Anna.|| They ‘drive a\way.|| ‘Vicki \talks to Anna, | but ‘Anna is ‘thinking about the ‘young \man.||

‘’Who \is he?’ she thinks.|| ‘Does he ‘live in the /building?|| ‘Who are the ‵roses for?|| His /wife?|| His /girlfriend?|| His /mother?’||

‘\An/na?|| Are \you /listening?’ says Vicki.|| ‘\Oh! | \Sorry, /Vicki,’ says Anna.|| Her ‘face is \red now.||

‘»What are you \thinking about?’ says Vicki.|| ‘‵Tell me!’|| ‘\/Well, | I’m ‘thinking about a ‘bunch of \roses,’ says Anna.|| ‘’And | a \man.’|| ‘A‵ha! Who ‵is he?’ says Vicki.|| ‘I ‘don’t ‵know,’ says Anna.|| ‘But | I ↑want to /know,’ she thinks.||

‘Will a’rrives at his ‘gran’s a\partment.||

‘Hel\lo, /dear,’ she says.|| ‘\Oh, | you are a ‘good \boy.|| You ‘always ‘bring me \roses.||’ ‘Of \course,’ says Will.||

‘Gran makes ‘Will some \coffee.|| She ‘asks him a \question, | but ‘Will does ‘not \answer.|| ‘\/Will,|| are \you /listening?|| You’re ↑thinking about ‵something, | ‵aren’t you?|| \What is it?’|| ‘\Oh | — \sorry, /Gran.|| It’s — it’s \not important.’||

\Later, | ‘Will says «‘Good-\bye!» to his \gran.|| \/Then he ‘gets ‘into his /car | and ‘drives a\way.|| \In the /car | he ‘thinks a’bout the ‘young \woman | with the gui\tar.|| ‘Where does she \live?’ he thinks.|| ‘Does she ‘live in ‘one of the a/partments?|| Or ‘has she got a \friend there?|| How can I \meet her?|| Who \is she?’||

‘Five ‘minutes \later,| ‘Anna and ‘Vicki a’rrive out↑side the a\partment building.|| ‘Good‵night, Vicki,’ says Anna.||

‘‵Quick |- go in‵side,’ says Vicki.|| ‘Just ‵think | — ‘you walk ‘out of the /elevator,| and ‘there is a ‘young ‘man with a ‘bunch of ‵roses.|| And ↑he /says— ’

‘Oh ‘be \quiet,’ laughs Anna.|| ‘’See you to\morrow.’||


Chapter II. Pink Roses

‘It ’s Sep\tember.|| ‘Will is ‘visiting his \gran again.|| ‘It’s a \lovely day, /Will,’ ↑she says.|| ‘’Let’s have our ‘coffee on the \balcony.’|| ‘Will and his ‘gran are sitting on the \balcony | in the \sun, |  when \sudden/ly | ‘Will ‘hears a gui\tar.|| ‘‵Listen!’ he says.|| ‘’That’s a gui‵tar.|| ‘Where’s it ‵coming from?’|| He ‘stands /up | and ‘looks a\round, | but he ‘cannot ‘see the gui\tar.|| ‘Ex\cuse me, /Gran,’ | he says.|| ‘I — er — ‘back ‵soon!’|| And he ‘runs ‘out of the a’partment.||

‘Will ‘runs a’long the \corridor.|| ‘Where | is the gui‵tar?|| And ↑who | is \playing it?|| He ‘stops out’side an a/partment | and \listens.|| \Nothing.|| ‘Per’haps it’s out‵side,’ he thinks.|| ‘Per/haps | she’s on her ‵balcony.’||

/So | he goes ‘down in the ele/vator | and goes out\side.|| \Up/stairs, | ‘Anna ‘takes her gui/tar | and goes in\side.|| She ‘closes the ‘door to the \balcony.|| ‘’That’s it for to\/day,’ she thinks.||

‘Will looks at ↑all the /balconies, | but he ‘cannot ↑see or ↑hear a gui\tar.|| He ‘goes ‘back to his ‘gran’s a\partment.|| ‘Are \you all /right, dear?’ she says.|| ‘‵Yes thanks, Gran,’ says Will.|| ‘It’s ‘just — \oh, | it’s \not important.|| ‘Well, it ‵is important, but . . .’|| And ‘Will ‘tells ‘Gran about the ‘girl with the gui\tar.||

A \week /later, | ‘Anna is ‘coming \home.|| She can ‘see a ‘young ‘man near the a\partment building, | and he is ‘carrying a ‘bunch of \roses | — ↑pink roses to\/day.|| But he is \not looking, | and he does \not see her.||

‘Anna walks ‘more ‵quickly.|| But ‘when she ‘gets to the \buil/ding, | there is ‘nobody \there.|| She ‘gets into the \elevator.|| There is ‘nobody in the \elevator, | but she can ‘smell ‵roses | — ↑beautiful ↑pink \roses.||

‘One /day | ‘Anna comes \home | and ‘finds \/Gran | at the ‘door of the /building | with a ↑lot of \bags.|| ‘Oh, can ↑I /help you?’ she says.|| ‘Can ↑I /carry something?’|| ‘’Thank you ‘very \much,’ says Gran.||

↑At the apartment, | ‘Gran \says, | ‘Come \in, /dear.|| Would you \like some /coffee?’||

‘‵Oh |— that ’s ‘very \nice of /you,’ says /Anna. | ‘I’m \new here, | and ‘I don’t know \anybody in the building.’|| ‘’What do you \do?’ asks Gran.|| ‘I’m a \music student,’ says Anna.||

‘Gran brings some \/coffee | into the \room.|| ‘↑These are ‵lovely apartments, | \aren’t they?’ says Anna.||

‘Oh yes,’ says Gran.|| ‘’I \like it here very much.’|| She ‘tells ‘Anna about her a\partment, | ‘and about \Charlton.|| ‵Later | Anna gets \up.|| ‘I ‵must go now,’ she says.|| ‘↑Thank you for the ‵coffee.’|| ‘Good\bye, dear,’ says Gran,| and ‘Anna ‘goes \out. ‘’What a ↑nice \girl,’ Gran thinks.|| ‘But  |- ↑just a ‵minute.|| A ‵music student  | — per’haps ↑she’s the ‘girl with the ‵guitar! | ‘I can ‘ask her \over one /day | ‘when \Will comes.|| /No | I ‵can’t — I ‘don’t ‘know the ‘number of her a‵partment!’||

‘Later that ‘week ‘Vicki ‘talks to \Anna.|| ‘I’m ‘having a ‘party on ‵Saturday,’ she says.|| ‘Can ↑you /come?’|| ‘\Yes, | of ‵course!’ says Anna.|| ‘↑Your parties are ↑always ‵wonderful.’|| ‘Vicki ‘calls her \brother.|| ‘’Come to my ‘party on \Saturday, /James,’ she says, | ‘and ‘bring some ‵friends.’||

On \/Saturday, | ‘James ‘and his ‘friends a’rrive at ‘Vicki’s \house.|| ‘ ‵Hi, /Vicki,’ says James.|| ‘Meet my \friends.|| ‘This is \Tom, | and \Daniel — ‘and ‵Will.’||

↑Just then, ‘Vicki’s \phone rings.|| ‘I’m ‵sorry, /Vicki,’ says Anna.|| ‘I ‘can’t ‘come to your \party, | be’cause I’m ‘not ‵feeling well.’||

‘Oh ‵Anna! | I’m sorry, ‵too,’ says Vicki.|| ‘Well, \stay in /bed, | and ‘get better ‵soon.’||

‘Vicki’s ‘party is ‵wonderful.|| Will meets ‵Natalie, and ‵Jane, ‘and \Katie.|| But he ‘does ‘not ‘meet \Anna.||


Chapter III. Red Roses

‵Now | it’s Oc\tober.|| ‘Will | ‘visits his \gran, | but he ‘does not ‘see \Anna.|| He ‘walks a’long the \corridor, | but he ‘does ‘not ‘hear a gui\tar.|| ‘Where \is she?’ he thinks.||

‘Anna visits her \family for a week, |  \/then | she ‘comes ‘back to her a\partment.|| She ‘looks for \Will, | but she ‘does ‘not \see him. ‘’There are ‵lots of men!’ says Vicki, | but ‘Anna can’not for’get ‵Will.||

‘Then ‘Gran goes to ‵hospital | for ‘two \weeks.|| \One /day | ‘Will \visits her there. ‘How \are you to’day, /Gran?’ he asks.|| ‘’Very ‘well ‘thank you, \dear.|| I’m going ‘home on ‵Friday.’|| ‘‵That’s /good,’ says Will.|| ‘Per’haps I can ‘get some ‵things for you | on \Thursday | and ‘take them to the a‵partment.’|| ‘That ’s ↑very ‘nice of you, \Will,’ says Gran.||

‘After ‘work on \/Thursday | ‘Will goes to the \shops | and ‘gets some ‘things for \Gran.|| ‘He ‘gets some ‘roses, \too, | and he puts ‘everything in his \car.||

‵Suddenly | it be’gins to ‵rain.|| ‘Will is ‘getting into his \/car || when he ‘sees his friend \Tom.|| ‘’Where are you ‵going, /Tom?’ says Will.|| ‘\Home | — to ‵Eastfield.’||

‘↑I’m going to my ‘gran’s a\partment | in \Charlton,| so I can ‘take ‘you to East’field ‵first.’||

‘’Can you ‘take my /friend | /Anna, | /too?|| ‘She’s going to \Charlton.’|| ‘’Yes of \course,’ says Will.||

\Tom | and ‵Anna | ‘get into ‘Will’s \car.

‘\Thanks, /Will,’ says Tom.|| ‘It’s ‘not a ‘very ‘nice ‵night!’||

‘‵That’s all right, /Tom,’ says Will.|| He ‘drives ‘Tom \home,| and ‘then he ‘says to \Anna, | ‘’Where are ‵you going, /Anna?’||

‘’I’m going to ‘Grandview A\partments.|| It’s on ‘Park \Road.’|| ‘‵That’s /funny,’ says Will.|| ‘‵I’m going to Grandview Apartments.’|| ‘’Is it /her?’ he thinks.|| ‘The ‘girl with the gui/tar?’|| He ‘looks in the \mirror, | but he ‘can’t see her ↑face very \well.||

‘Can ‘I ‘smell /roses?’ thinks Anna.|| ‘’Is it /him | — the ‘man with the /roses?’||

/Then | they are out’side the a\partment building.|| They get ‘out of the \car, | and ↑then they be’gin to ‵talk | at the ‘same \time.|| ‘‵Oh! It’s ‵you!’ ‘You play the gui‵tar!’ ‘And ‘you come ‘here with ‵roses!’||

‘\Yes | — I ‘always bring ‘roses to my /\gran.//’ ‘His /\gran!’ thinks Anna.|| ‘’Not his ‵wife, | ‘not his

‵girlfriend.’|| ‘She’s ‘coming ‘home from ‵hospital tomorrow, | so I’m ‘taking some ‘things to her a\partment,’ says Will.|| ‘’Can I . . . | ‘would you ‘like some /help?’ ‘says \Anna.| ‘’Yes ‵please!’ says Will.||

They go ‘up to ‘Gran’s a\partment.|| ‘Will ‘puts ‘things a\way, | and ‘Anna ‘puts the ‘roses in a \vase.||

‘‵There | — ‘aren’t they ‵lovely!’ she says.|| ‘I \like roses.|| They ‘smell ‵wonderful.’|| ‘’Thank you for your ‵help, Anna,’ says Will.|| ‘‵That ’s all /right,’ Anna says.|| ‘‵Look | — ‘would you ‘like to come ‘up to my a/partment | for /coffee?’|| ‘’I’d ‘like to ‘very ‵much,’ says Will.||

He \smiles, | and \she smiles.|| They ‘go up\stairs.||

‘On ‵Friday | ‘Gran comes \home.|| ‘Will goes to ‵see her.|| He is ‘carrying a ‘bunch of ‘red \roses.|| ‘’That ’s a ‘big ‵smile, /Will!’ says Gran.|| ‘\Red roses | — ‘don’t they ‘say “’Red ‘roses for /love”?’|| ‘’Well, /Gran …’ says Will.||

‘Ten minutes \later, | ‘Will ‘comes ‘out of ‘Gran’s a/partment | and ‘goes up\stairs.|| He’s ‘carrying a ‘bunch of ‘red \roses.||

/\Gran | goes ‘out ‘onto the /balcony | and ‘sits \down in the sun. She can ‘hear a ‵guitar.|| /\Then | it \stops.||

‘Gran ‘hears ‘Will’s /voice, | ‘and | ‵Anna’s voice.|| ‘Then ‘Anna \laughs.|| ‘Gran \smiles.|| ‘She can ‘smell ‵roses || — ↑beautiful ↑red \roses, | ‘in the ‘sun, out’side on a \balcony.||

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