Лабораторное занятие 7 по теме «Еда»

Уважаемые студенты! Для выполнения лабораторной работы войдите на свою почту ______@gmail.com и перейдите на Гугл Диск. На Гугл Диске cоздайте Гугл Документ, в котором выполните задания  лабораторной работы, представленные ниже. Укажите ссылку на Гугл Документ с выполненной лабораторной работой. Также ознакомьтесь с образцом выполнения лабораторной работы: SAMPLE LABORATORY LESSON.  


1. Read through the paragraphs below. Match the methods of cooking from the list with their descriptions.

simmering, grilling, roasting, boiling, frying, casseroling, baking

1) When food is cooked in liquid you just see an occasional bubble on the surface. Stews, soups, sauces are cooked this way so that food cooks steadily, or mixture thickens gradually. 2) This gives a firm and often crisp texture. It is the process of cooking in the dry heat of the oven. The temperature and position in the oven are very important especially with cakes, to ensure the food is cooked throughout and doesn’t burn. 3) This browns food, keeps in the flavour and sometimes gives food a crisp texture. Food is placed under or over the heat. Fish, meats, young poultry and toasted snacks or toppings are cooked this way. 4) This gives food a soft texture. The term is actually a little confusing for it is the liquid in which the food is cooked that boils, not the food itself. When liquid comes to the boil, reduce the temperature so it just bubbles. Foods cooked in boiling liquid include vegetables, eggs, fruit and sugar for jam, meat. The liquid can be water, stock or milk etc. 5) This method of preparing meat means cooking in an oven or on a turning spit over a fierce heat. 6) A convenient and usually quick, easy method of cooking in fat. It gives a golden and often crisp texture. 7) Food is cooked in steam or liquid in the oven. It’s a slow tenderising process, so very good for making the most of cheaper cuts of meat.

2. What ways of cooking you normally use when:

— preparing a quick snack

— cooking for an unexpected guest

— having a family festive dinner

3. Put the sentences below into the logical order and use the prepositions or postpositions in their right places.

a) Get your cookery book and look the recipe (out, up). b) Chop the vegetables and put them a pan (up, in). c) Pick some fresh fish and vegetables from the market and then put them the refrigerator until you are ready to cook (up, in). d) Turn the oven and set it at 300 degrees (on). e)Take the dishes of the dishwasher and put them the cupboard (out, in). f) Make sure you clean the kitchen when you are finished (up). g) Put the fish a baking pan and pour the sauce it (in, over).

4. Do you know how to cook Barbecued Kabobs? Have you ever tried the dish? Here is the recipe. If you complete it with the right verbs from the box, you will be able to cook the dish and enjoy it.

chop up, cut up, pour on, put in, put on, take off, take out, turn over

Barbecued Kabobs

First, (1)_______(2)________ some wood and (3)_________ it (4)_______ the barbecue, or use some charcoal. Then (5)___________some lighter fluid (6)___________ and light the fire. Now (7)________ (8)_________the meat and vegetables, and (9)_________ them (10)________ a small bowl with some sauce. (11)____________them (12)__________ of the bowl after twenty minutes. Then (13)___________the meat and vegetables (14)_____________ the skewers and (15)___________them (16)___________ the barbecue. (17)___________the meat (18)_________ after ten minutes and cook it for 10-15 minutes more. Then (19)_______ the kabobs (20)_________ the barbecue and enjoy!

5. Read the report below and underline expressions connected to ‘quantity’. The first one has been done for you.

According to a recent Health Authority survey, eating habits among the great majority of teenagers are changing for the better. However, the habit of eating too many sweet foods still persists. The report found that a third of 11-year-old boys and two-thirds of 11-year-old girls are on a diet. However, two out of three boys still eat fried food at least every other day, although a staggering seventy-five per cent now prefer to eat healthier cereal and wholemeal bread for breakfast rather than the traditional British ‘fry-up’. In addition, almost all young people appear to be cutting down on food such as hamburgers and sausages. Nevertheless, over half of those interviewed still eat meat every day. The report concluded that, despite much more awareness of healthier eating among the 11-16 age group, sweet snacks are still the weakness for most young people. Four out of five teenagers still find fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolate irresistible, and hardly any of the teenagers said they would give them up.

6 Write a sentence to summarise the main argument in the report above.

7. Write out the linking expressions (connectives) which connect the ideas in one sentence with the ideas in another.

8. Make a questionnaire (6-8 questions) for your fellow students about their habit of eating fattening food.

9. Ask your fellow students the questions and write a short report using the information you collected. Begin like this: In a survey of … (say how many) people on … (say what the survey was about) we found that in our class … (give a brief summary of the results). Use expressions from the example report and any of the follow ing expressions: most of us / most people nearly all of us / nearly everybody none of us / nobody hardly any of us / hardly anybody a few people / some of us about half / a quarter /a third

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