Лабораторное занятие 6 по теме «Еда»

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1. Look at the CHECKLIST FOR HEALTHY EATING below and answer the questions.

1) What do you think you eat too much of? 2) What do you think you don’t eat enough of? 3) Give advice to yourself about your eating habits.


Each day aim to eat most of these:

1 portion (4oz / 125gm) potato or rice 4-6 slices wholewheat* bread or 2 slices and a portion of wholemeal pasta 1/2 pint (300ml) skimmed milk 1 portion (4oz 1125g) green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage or lettuce 1 portion (4oz / 125g) pulse vegetables such as peas, baked beans or lentils 1 portion(4oz / 125g) other root vegetables such as carrots and turnips 2pieces of fruit 1 portion high fibre breakfast cereal such as muesli or porridge

Each week try to include:

1 portion (6oz / 175g) white fish such as haddock 2 portions (4oz / 125g each) lean meat 1 portion (4oz 1125g) oily fish such as sardines and tuna 1 portion (4oz / 125g) poultry and 3-4 eggs 2oz / 50g hard cheese or 4oz / 125g cottage cheese 1 portion (4oz / 125g) liver or kidney

Each week have no more than: 4oz / 125g butter / margarine 2oz / 50g chocolate / jam / sweets 1 portion fried food 1 pastry / slice cake 2 sweet puddings

Of course, the portion sizes given are averages and individual needs vary.

* Wholemeal (BrE) / wholewheat (AmE) 2.

Match the ways of cooking with the kinds of food.

1) boil 2) fry 3) grill 4) roast 5) stew 6) bake 7) preserve 8) pickle

a)pancakes b) a cake c) cabbage d) cucumbers e) fruit f) a steak g) potatoes h) a joint of beef

3. A. The words ‘fry’, ‘bake’, ‘boil’, ‘roast’ and ‘cook’ are sometimes confused. Use them to complete these sentences. Change the form if necessary.

1. Lamb is usually______ in the oven. 2. Bread is also______ in the oven. 3. If you are going to use onions in soup, you should_____ them in a little oil first. 4. One of the most common methods of____ vegetables is simply_____them in water 5. The English are famous for their____ beef.

B. Explain the difference between the follow ing ways of cooking food: to grill, to roast, to fry, to bake, to boil

4. Match each verb below with the food item it is most often associated with.

A. 1. pluck 2. crack 3. grate 4. knead 5. peel 6. skin 7. slice 8. carve 9. chop

a)cheese b) an orange c) a chicken d) carrots e) nuts f) a rabbit g) a joint of meat h)dough i) a loaf

В. 1. mince 2. shell 3. toss 4. whip 5. stuff 6. mash 7. beat 8. ice 9. stir a) cream b) meat c) a hard-boiled egg d)soup e)eggs f) a cake g) a chicken h) a pancake i) potatoes

5. The words in the list below all describe ways of preparing food. Using a dictionary if necessary, put them in the right column below and explain what difference there is between the words in each column.

beat, whisk, grind, crush, dip, stir, slice, marinate, soak, grate, carve, chop

Mix or move round

Cut into pieces

Put into liquid

Make into powder or small pieces

6. Read the descriptions of different ways of cooking, and fill the blanks with the correct verbs from the list.

roast, simmer, boil, grill, steam, fry, bake

a) Cook using dry heat (normally in an oven) bread, cakes, biscuits b) Cook food, especially meat, nuts or coffee beans, without liquid in an oven or over a fire_________________ . c) Cook something under a very hot surface in a cooker:_______________ . d) Cook in hot oil or fa t_____________________. e) Cook in hot water at 100° С ________________ . f) Cook for a long period, at just below 100° С _________________ . g) Cook above water at 100° С _______________ .

7. Fill the blanks using appropriate forms of the cooking words from the previous exercise and some of the utensils from the list below.

kettle, cake tin, saucepan, frying pan, steamer, baking tin, grill pan, coffee pot, teapot

a) Put the vegetables in a large______ full of water, add a little salt, and________ them for ten minutes. b) Bob poured a little oil into a ________ and put it on the gas until it was hot. Then he added some onions and______ them for a few minutes before adding the mushrooms. c) Sally had prepared the cake very carefully and had put the mixture in a round_______ . When the oven was hot, she put the cake in and__________it for an hour. d) Those are large potatoes. I know they’ve been cooked for 20 minutes, but I think we should put the_________ back on the cooker and let them ____________for another ten minutes on a low flame.

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