Лабораторное занятие по теме «Еда»

LISTENING 1. Listen to three people describing cooking disasters and answer the questions below.

  1. Who were they cooking for?
  2. What ingredients do they mention?
  3. What went wrong?
  4. What happened in the end?

Speaker 1

  1. ………..
  2. …………
  3. …………
  4. ………….

Speaker 2

  1. ………..
  2. …………
  3. …………
  4. ………….

Speaker 3

  1. ………..
  2. …………
  3. …………
  4. ………….


Speaker 1 Just after I left drama school, I was cooking supper for my boyfriend and another bloke who we were working with in the theatre, and I was going to do spaghetti bolognese and I wanted some green peppers. And I didn’t realize then that there was a difference between green peppers and green chilli peppers and so I cooked the spaghetti bolognese and I couldn’t quite understand why my, underneath my nails was burning so terribly, but I just kept washing my hands and ignored it. And then we sat down to eat and Jeff, the friend who’d come, took one mouthful of the spaghetti bolognese before either of us did and fell off his chair onto the floor. And I’m afraid the whole lot had to go into the bin, it was the most horrendous experience.

Speaker 2 Have you had any awful, memorable disasters in the kitchen? One particular one when I’d just bought a new oven, and I’d invited some friends round and I was going to cook a piece of roast meat, and I put it in my new oven, and turned it on, and left it for an hour to cook. And when I opened the oven door, I realized that I’d put the grill on, not the oven, so that the top of the meat was completely charred, and underneath it was completely raw, so the meal was completely ruined. So I had to send out for a takeaway. Ah, that’s a shame.

Speaker 3 Katie, have you had a bad cooking experience? Well, it didn’t really involve cooking as such, but it was certainly a bad, preparing food experience. My family, we went to Italy, and everybody in my family enjoyed the antipasti, the bruschetta, so I thought when I came home that I would re-invent this, it’s very simple, basically it’s little bits of bread with lovely tomato sauce on top and garlic. And I’d asked an Italian waiter and my Italian isn’t very good, so I thought that I’d interpreted well what he’d said. However, you’re supposed to rub the garlic on the bread, the sort of slightly toasted bread, just a little on one side, However, I went mad and was rubbing for a minute on both sides of the bread, and I put the tomato sauce on and handed it to my family, and they all spat it out, it was inedible. So did you, did you recycle it or did you throw it away? I think we threw it away.

2. Lexis in context.   What do you think the missing words are? Listen again and check.

1) … and Jeff, the friend who’d come, took one ___________of the spaghetti bolognese before either of us did… 2) …so that the top of the meat was completely___________ and underneath it was completely ____________. 3) You’re supposed to ___________ the garlic n the bread. 4) And I put the tomato sauce on and handed it to my famiy and they all ___________ it out. It was ____________.

3. Have you ever had a cooking disaster, or experienced somebody else’s? What was the dish being made? What went wrong? Write about 150-200 words. Make use of the vocabulary from the audio when possible.

4. Find out if the following words are used with countable or uncountable nouns and put them in groups. Write examples for each type of noun. Example: “Do we have any onions left?” “None” no, none, hardly any, some / any, a few / many / a lot (lots) of, (very) few / not many, too many / not enough, plenty of, a little (a bit of) much / a lot (lots) of, (very) little / not much, too much / not enough, a great deal of


…….. Example: ……….


…….. Example: ……………………..


5. Arrange the names of vegetables from the box into three groups.

Green leafy vegetables


Root vegetables

potatoes, turnips, soya, cabbage, beans, beets, peas, spinach, lettuce, carrots, radish

6. Fill in the chart w ith the words given below, then complete the chart without looking at your vocabulary. Compare your chart with that of your partner’s. Vegetables Desserts and Drinks Snacks Utensils cabbage, cheesecake, garlic press, beverages, ice cream, bottle opener, potato chips, onions, corkscrew, peanuts, saucepan, soda, tablespoon, Charlotte, mince pie

7. Which of the following are fruits and which are vegetables? bean, lemon, pea, pear, cabbage, lettuce, pomegranates, potato, carrot, marrow, peach, plum, celery, onion, parsley, strawberry, cherry, orange, tomato 6. Which of the follow ing are kinds of meat and which are fish? beef, pork, venison, cod, sardine, haddock, sole, herring, trout, mutton, veal

8. Do exercise 13, page 17-18 from the following textbook. Настоящее совершённое продолженное (теория) из Крылова, И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка = A Grammar of Present-day English Practical Course : учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 12-е изд. — М. : Кн. дом «Университет», 2006. — 443 с. — ISBN 5-98227-103-9; 106 экз. : 65-00.Настоящее совершённое (упражнения) из Крылова, И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка = A Grammar of Present-day English Practical Course : учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 12-е изд. — М. : Кн. дом «Университет», 2006. — 443 с. — ISBN 5-98227-103-9; 106 экз. : 65-00.

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