Лабораторная работа Health Care in Britain

1. Watch the video and write ten comprehension questions about the National Health Service in Great Britain.

2. Read the script. Make a list of key phrases for a talk about the National Health Service in Greart Britain.

National health service in the united kingdom

In the UK today people are putting time, money, and energy into keeping well. Health care is important.

If you are ill in the UK, you go to see your General Practitioner (GP), or family doctor.

There are 36,000 GPs in UK. Each GP has nearly 2,000 patients. If you need medicine, your GP will write a prescription for you to take to a chemist’s or pharmacy. You don’t have to pay to see a doctor, but you will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the groups of people who get their medicine free, for example, you are a student, or over 60, or expecting a baby.

If you need to see a specialist doctor, or have medical tests or an operation, your doctor will send you to a hospital. In Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the National Health Service (NHS). All NHS hospital treatment and operations are free. In fact, the NHS provides free medical care for everyone in Britain from the very young to the very old.

When the NHS started in 1948, it provided free visits to doctors and dentists; free treatment, free prescriptions, free eye tests and free glasses. But today many people have to pay for prescriptions, for eye tests and glasses, and for dentists.

Nearly a million people work in the NHS in Britain, and it costs almost £40 billion a year. There are still problems. People sometimes must wait a long time before they can see a specialist or have an operation. Because of this, many people see private doctors and use other kinds of treatment, or alternative medicine, like homeopathy and acupuncture. There are more alternative medical practitioners in Britain than NHS doctors.

New medicines and better diet have raised life expectancy. On average British men live to the age of 74, British women to 79. Many people live longer than that.

More British people die of heart disease and cancer than from any other cause. The government and health authorities in Britain are trying very hard, and in many different ways, to deal with this problem. Research suggests that people are much less likely to suffer from heart disease if they eat five portions of fruit and /or vegetables every day.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is the NHS? 2. Name as many different reasons as you can for going to hospital in Britain? 3. Which two diseases kill most Britons? 4. Name different kinds of alternative medicine. 5. On average how long do British men live? And women? 6. Why do people sometimes go to private doctors? 7. What kinds of medical care are free in Britain?

4. Put the words below into correct column in the table. Be careful! One word can go in two columns.

Hospital; cancer; tablets; influenza; malaria; dentist; surgery; bronchitis; general practitioner; specialist; operating theatre; nose drops; chemotherapy; clinic; nurse; appendicitis; pharmacy; physiotherapy.


5. What are the differences between the following words. Put the sentences below into the correct columns. Then write more «medicine and healthcare» words which can be confused or misused into the table and find sentences to illustrate tyhe difference between the other words from the table:

Receipt [rI’sI:t]PrescriptionRecipe [‘resipi]

1. That soup was delicious. Can you let me have the recipe? 2. They wouldn’t give me money back because I didn’t have the receipt. 3. The doctor gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and told me to come back in three weeks.

6. Give the Russian equivalents to the following phrases:

to put time, money, and energy into keeping well, health care, General Practitioner (GP), to write a prescription for somebody, to pay to see a doctor,  to pay part of the cost of your medicine, to get one’s medicine free, to be expecting a baby, to need to see a specialist doctor, have medical tests, to have an operation, to send someone to a hospital,  the National Health Service (NHS), NHS hospital treatment and operations, to provide free medical care for everyone in Britain from the very young to the very old, to provide free visits to doctors, to provide free eye tests, to see a private doctor, to use alternative medicine, an alternative medical practitioner,  to raise life expectancy, to live to the age of, to die of heart disease / cancer, health authorities, to be much less likely to suffer from heart disease.

7. Read the following text and write 5 questions about its content for your fellow students:

The UK healthcare system
The UK has a free publicly-funded healthcare system – the National Health System (NHS). The NHS is different from many healthcare systems elsewhere as it is funded through taxation rather than health insurance. There is also a smaller private healthcare sector that people can choose if they wish.

Each region of the UK has its own NHS body. This guide will focus mainly on the service in England but you can find out more information about services in other regions on the websites for NHS Scotland, NHS Wales, and NHS Northern Ireland. The differences between the regional health services are mainly structural and how some of the services are delivered.

The NHS in England is overseen by the Department of Health. NHS England is responsible for commissioning primary care services such as doctors, dentists, and pharmacists. Since 2013, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have had the responsibility of commissioning secondary care services in local areas, which are:

  • planned hospital care;
  • rehabilitative care;
  • urgent and emergency care;
  • most community health services;
  • mental health and learning disability services

There have been many structural changes to the NHS over the years. Many private companies and charities have become more involved in running services in recent years. All services are publicly funded and the government is ultimately accountable, although in reality it is more of a public-private partnership in terms of delivery.

The UK was ranked 16th on the 2018 Euro Health Consumer Index.

Who can access healthcare in the UK?
The NHS is a residence-based rather than an insurance-based system. This means that all UK residents including expats can access services for free. People visiting the UK from a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland currently get free NHS care through their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). However, this is likely to change once the UK leaves the EU.

Nationals from outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland can access the NHS for free on the same basis as a British citizen if they’ve settled in the UK and been given indefinite leave to remain. Other non-EU/EFTA nationals can access services such as emergency treatment and family planning services free of charge. However, they will need to take out health insurance to access other services.

Since 2015, those coming to the UK from outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland for more than six months have to pay a health surcharge of at least £150-200. If you are a third-country national who has paid the surcharge, you can access NHS services on the same basis as everyone else. If you haven’t paid and don’t have any medical insurance, you’ll be charged at 150% of the standard NHS tariff for any care you receive. This is unless you’re from a country that has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK or qualify for an exemption.

8. Complete the summary of the text.
If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your General Practitioner, or family doctor. There are 36,000 GPs in Britain. Each GP has nearly 2,000 … . If you need … , your GP will write a … for you to take to a chemist’s. You will probably have to pay part of the … of your medicine. If you are a student, or over 60, or …  a baby, you get medicine …. You don’t have to pay to see a doctor. If you need to see a specialist doctor, or have … tests or an operation, your doctor will send you to a hospital. In Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the National Health … . All NHS hospital … and operations are free. Today many people must pay for eye … and glasses, and for dentists. Many people see … doctors and use other kinds of treatment, or … medicine.

9. Translate from Russian into Engliash.

1. Джонни Депп тратит много времени, денег и энергии на поддержание своего здоровья. 2. Эффективность здравоохранения в России существенно повысилась за последние два года. 3. В Великобритании в случае болезни человек первым делом обращается к врачу общей практики (семейному врачу), который принимает пациентов в кабинете, называемом в британском варианте английского языка surgery.  4. Когда Эмили пришла к частному доктору с жалобой на головные боли, он выписал ей рецепт на таблетки и капли. Так что ей пришлось заплатить не только за посещение врача, но и оплатить стоимость лекарств. Если бы она пошла к врачу общей практики, она бы не платила за приём врача и, возможно, получила бы лекарства бесплатно. 5. Джейн ждёт ребенка, она нуждается в визите к врачу-специалисту. Ей нужно регулярно сдавать (медицинские) анализы и проходить осмотр врача, чтобы ребёнок родился здоровым. 6. Если пациенту необходимо делать операцию, его отправляют в больницу. 7. Национальная служба здравоохранения Великобритании предоставляет как стационарное лечение, так и операции. 8. В государственных поликлиниках предоставляется бесплатное медицинское обслуживание для всех в России, от очень молодых до очень старых. Они обеспечивают бесплатные визиты к врачам, предоставляют бесплатные  медосмотры, проверки зрения и т. д. 9. Вы можете посетить как государственного, так и частного врача, но не советую вам использовать альтернативную медицину. 10. Для того, чтобы уменьшить вероятность болезней сердца и увеличить продолжительность жизни населения, органы здравоохранения должны оптимизировать всю систему здравоохранения.

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