Уважаемые студенты, Ваш зачёт с оценкой содержит: 1) Устное высказывание по предложенной теме 2) Перевод с русского на английский. Примерные темы ваших высказываний представлены ниже. Высказывание должно длиться около 2-3 минут и содержать изученную лексические единицы из учебных пособий. При отсутствии данных лексических единиц в речи ответ оценивается как неудовлетворительный. Задание на перевод подготовлено на основе переводных упражнений из учебных пособий курса. TOPICS FOR MONOLOGUES 1. Talk about your PE classes at university. What individual activities and team games are practiced in your PE class? 2. Talk about the benefits for a student of participating in various sports. 3. Talk about the downsides for a student of participating in various sports. 4. Talk about sporting activities or team games that are popular in different countries. 5. Talk about your favourite sport or sporting activity. 6. Talk about the way you keep fit. 7. Talk about the rules of any team game. 8. Talk about the influence of a person’s personality on their sports performance. 9. Talk about the influence of the genetic factor on sports performance. 10. Talk about the Summer Olympic Games. 11. Talk about the Winter Olympic Games. 12. Talk about your lifestyle habits (eating habits, activity level, sleep). 13. Talk about factors that determine our health. 14. Talk about sleeping habits that can help a person sleep well. 15. Talk about the reasons why people are reluctant to change their lifestyle.
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