Выполните следующее задание письменно в гугл-документе, откройте доступ для комментирования вашего гугл-документа «для всех, у кого есть ссылка» (!!!), прикрепите ссылку на гугл-документ с выполненной работой к этой странице (см. внизу зелёную кнопку «Подготовить отчёт»).
1. Listen to the first part of the audio (An Interview with Emma) and write a text about Emma. You should mention:
- what Emma is doing these days
- where she comes from
- where she lives
- her parents
- her brother and his age
- what Emma’s brother is doing at the time of the interview
- what her brother usually does at this time (the time of the interview)
- where her father lives
- how often they see him
2. Listen to the second part of the audio (Life in a Japanese School). Do exercises 20-26, pp 50-53 from the textbook Do Well in English. Part I in written form.
3. Make youir own dialogue (see exercise 25, p. 52) using the vocabulary from the audio about life in a Japanese school (no fewer than 10 items). Write it down in the google doc.
4. Practice reading the dialogue from ewxercise 3 above using the proper intonation. Learn the dialogue for your next class. Tell the teacher that you are going to present the dialogue to other students 5 min before your next English class.
Watch the video ‘A Day in the Life of a Harward Student’. Write 6 comprehension questions about the girl’s day as a student at Harward. Do a five-minute teaching in class using your questions. You can use the script for the video. 2. Choose A or B. Answer the questions in writing. (You can do both A and B if you want.) A. Watch the video ‘The Struggles of Freshers’ Week | Jack Edwards’ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=aDAYxsq9kD8 and describe the struggles of the fresher’s week Jack is talking about. Did you have similar struggles as a fresher? What struggles did you have?
B. Watch the video ‘So You’re Going to University…? What I Wish I’d Known Before Uni! | Jack Edwards’ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FkeXLZkulM Write down Jack’s tips for freshmen — things he wishes he had known before his first year at uni. Which of the tips could be useful and which ones would be useless for students in Rusiia?
Уважаемые студенты, для того, чтобы правильно отправить данное задание на проверку, (задание см. ниже) вам необходимо сделать следующее: 1) Заведите электронную почту типа name@gmail.com. 2) Войдите в почту и затем на Гугл Диск. 3) Создайте Гугл Документ. 4) Вставьте в него выполненное вами задание из документа Ворд или текстового документа. 5) Откройте доступ к Гугл Документу уровня «комментировать могут все, у кого есть ссылка». 6) Скопируйте ссылку на ваш Гугл Документ. 7) Вставьте ссылку на файл Google Document с выполненным заданием по индивидуальному чтению к этой странице в окошко, кликнув кнопку «Подготовить отчёт». ** — не забудьте открыть доступ к Google Doc уровня «комментировать могут все, у кого есть ссылка»! WATCHING A VIDEO ‘TEACHING ESL IN KOREA» 1. Watch the video and make 5 Wh-questions about it. Write down your questions.
2. Make 5 true or false statements about the content of the video. Write down your sentences. Then do a five-minute teaching in class using your true or false sentences. Use Classroom English. 3. Make 5-6 or more sentences using all the phrases in bold. Write down the sentences. Script for ‘Teaching ESL in Korea’ So in this edition we’re talking… just kind of clarifying a couple [of] things, just about as far as the daily schedule. A normal schedule is usually, you know, 8:00 to 4:00 or, you know, 8:30 to 4:30, somewhere in there, and you usually get an hour for lunch, and you usually teach about 18, between 18 and 20, 18 or 20 classes per week. And so they’re usually 40 to 50 minute classes. And so you’ll have maybe [four] 50-minute classes a day. And basicallywhat happens is that you teach each class only once a week. So you have 20 different classes once a week, and then for the rest of the week they get English from the Korean English teacher. So, for example, one lesson planthat I did is I did a dialogue of the phrase you know ‘Can you take my picture please?’ like if you’re traveling, right, and I just did a short little dialogue about that and explained that when you’re traveling if you want someone to take your picture, you can ask them, you know, ‘Will you please take my picture?’ And so we practiced that dialogue and did a couple [of] different things and then I had each class go and stand at the back, and then I just brought my camera to class and then took a picture of each class. And so usually it goes something like that, you know. You will come up with a lesson plan and then teach it to each class throughout the week, once a week. Most of the teachers that I know in the public schools, will also get paid to teach at least one adult class which will be either some of the teachers at the school that want to learn English or out some of the parents of the students. So that’s usually one or two hours a week, and it’s mixed in with your regular schedule, and it’s a lot of fun because they’re adults, and they’re really anxious to learn, and so that’s usually also a part of the schedule as an adult class. 4. Make and write down an interview with a teacher of English as second foreign language in Korea (no fewer than 12 lines including the given sentences). Use the information from the video ‘Teaching ESL in Korea’. Use the following phrases for response:
Normal response
That’s interesting.
Oh, I see.
Right. Start your conversation like this: I: Hello John! Thank you for agreeing to do this interview. / Thanks so much for making the time to do this interview. / Thank you for finding the time to do this interview. / Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to do this interview. J: I’m glad to do it. I: Now the questions… …