1) Learn VOCABULARY: SPORT so that you could define any word in English. Write 4-5 questions for each section for other stusents (e.g. Do you wear protectiver gear when you go roller skating?)
2) Listen to the audio and do the task below.
You are going to hear 5 speakers. Match the speaker 1-5 with the statements A-F.
There is one odd statement. Which ideas are the closest to yours?
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5
Statement A B C D E
A. She enjoys watching team sports.
B. She wants to join a team to play sport.
C. She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.
D. She likes playing sports with her friends.
E. She would like to try a dangerous sport.
3) Answer the questions. Try to expand your answer.
- Do you play any sports?
- Are you a good soccer player? Basketball player? Tennis player? Badminton player?
- Are you a member of any sports team? If not, have you ever been?
- Are you good at sports?
- What sports are you good at?
- Do you often play sports?
- Did your high school have a good baseball team?
- Do you ever listen to baseball games on the radio?
- Do you jog more than once a week?
- Do you know how to play golf?
- Do you like to exercise?
- Do you like playing tennis?
- Do you like to snowboard?
- Do you like to watch sports on TV?
- Do you like watching car races?
- Do you like wrestling?
4) a) You are going to watch a video about playing sports. Before you watch, do the vocabulary exercise below.
Exercise. Decide which type of definition (A-I) corresponds with each description 1-6.
1 The team/player who is less likely to win the match
2 A disease that is related to the related to the amount of sugar in the blood
3 An objective
4 Respect for one self
5 An attitude or particular way of thinking
6 Having a strong desire to win or be the best at something (adj)
A Anger
B Diabetes
C Euphoria
D Exhaustion
E Self-esteem
F Underdog
G Mindset
H Competitive
I Goal
b) Watch the video and write down the main points. What is the message of this video (article)? If you are struggling with understanding the video, use the script below.
c) Write out useful phrases to talk about sport from the video and use them in sentences of your own. (Make sure you understand what the word ‘phrase’ means in English.) Use the SCRIPT for the video below.
d) Write how playing sports influences your body and your brain. Make use of the vocabulary from the video. Use the SCRIPT for the video below. https://www.youtube.com/embed/hmFQqjMF_f0
The victory of the underdog over the favored team. The last minute penalty shot that wins the tournament. The high-energy training montages. Many people love to glorify victory on the playing field, cheer for favorite teams, and play sports. But here’s a question: Should we be so obsessed with sports? Is playing sports actually as good for us as we make it out to be, or just a fun and entertaining pastime? What does science have to say? First of all, it’s well accepted that exercise is good for our bodies and minds, and that’s definitely true.
Exercising, especially when we’re young, has all sorts of health benefits, like strengthening our bones, clearing out bad cholesterol from our arteries, and decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Our brains also release a number of chemicals when we workout, including endorphins. These natural hormones, which control pain and pleasure responses in the cental nervous system, can lead to feelings of euphoria, or, what’s often called, a runner’s high. Increased endorphins and consistent physical activity in general can sharpen your focus and improve your mood and memory. So does that mean we get just as much benefit going to the gym five days a week as we would joining a team and competing? Well, here’s where it gets interesting: because it turns out that if you can find a sport and a team you like, studies show that there are all sorts of benefits that go beyond the physical and mental benefits of exercise alone.
Some of the most significant are psychological benefits, both in the short and long term. Some of those come from the communal experience of being on a team, for instance, learning to trust and depend on others, to accept help, to give help, and to work together towards a common goal. In addition, commitment to a team and doing something fun can also make it easier to establish a regular habit of exercise. School sport participation has also been shown to reduce the risk of suffering from depression for up to four years. Meanwhile, your self-esteem and confidence can get a big boost.
There are a few reasons for that. One is found in training. Just by working and working at skills, especially with a good coach, you reinforce a growth mindset within yourself. That’s when you say, «Even if I can’t do something today, I can improve myself through practice and achieve it eventually.» That mindset is useful in all walks of life. And then there’s learning through failure, one of the most transformative, long-term benefits of playing sports. The experience of coming to terms with defeat can build the resilience and self-awareness necessary to manage academic, social, and physical hurdles. So even if your team isn’t winning all the time, or at all, there’s a real benefit to your experience. Now, not everyone will enjoy every sport. Perhaps one team is too competitive, or not competitive enough. It can also take time to find a sport that plays to your strengths. That’s completely okay. But if you spend some time looking, you’ll be able to find a sport that fits your individual needs, and if you do, there are so many benefits. You’ll be a part of a supportive community, you’ll be building your confidence, you’ll be exercising your body, and you’ll be nurturing your mind, not to mention having fun.
ONLINE MICROPHONE (for Task 3, see below)
1) Using the Vocabulary list, answer the following questions to practice the vocabulary.
Some popular sports
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- Would you like to take up sky-diving?
- Would you rather have a go at mountaineering or scuba diving? Why?
- What equipment do you need for fencing?
- What’s the difference between parachuting and gliding?
Some popular games
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- What equipment is used in curling?
- Have you ever played badminton? If not, would you like to have a go at it? Why?
- What’s the difference between American football and soccer?
- Why do you think games like draughts and chess are considered to be sporting games?
- What do you call a person who: a) does a long-jump; b) does gymnastics; c) rides horses in races; d) plays hockey; e) drives cars in races; f) plays football; g) throws the discus /javelin; h) does the pole-vault?
- What’s the difference between an amateur sportsman and an athlete?
- What do you call someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument?
- What’s the difference between a crew and a team?
- What is the official called in a tennis match? In football?
- Have you ever been a spectator at a football match?
- Have you ever shouted for some team or athlete? When and where was it?
- What do you call a person, usually a woman or girl in an organized group, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event?
- What’s the difference between a fan and a cheerleader?
- Do you think raucous cheering really helps athletes to win or interferes with players’ performance?
Scoring System
- What do you call the number of points, goals, etc. achieved in a game or competition?
- If two teams (Brazil and Mexico) finished a game or competition with each team or player having the same score 4-4, you can say: Brazil …. 4-4 against Mexico.
- What’s the synonym to ‘to put in goal’?
- What’s the difference between a point and a score?
- Have you ever become frustrated when your team (the team you were cheering for) lost a goal or a point in some sport? When and where did it happen? Did your team win or lose the game?
Competition sites and sport equipment
- What is a sports venue?
- What’s the difference between a ‘pitch’ and a ‘court’?
- What are some examples of sport facilities? (Name as many as you can.)
- What are some examples of sport equipment? (Name as many as you can.)
- What’s the difference in use between a ‘dumbbell’ and a ‘barbell’?
Sport terms and useful phrases
- What do you call a race, party, competition, etc. that has been organized for a particular time?
- What’s the difference between a ‘match’ and a ‘tournament’?
- Did you train under the coach when you were a schoolboy/girl?
- What’s the difference in use between ‘to beat’ and ‘to win’?
- Are the words ‘proficient’ and ‘professional’ synonymic?
2) Now look at the script of the audio and write out useful phrases which could be used to talk about sports.
Speaker 1: I play tennis quite often, and it’s a great form of exercise, it keeps me healthy. It’s important to stay in shape and a good game of tennis really makes your body work. Everyone needs to find a way to get some exercise and for me, it’s tennis.
Speaker 2: I am not really very interested in most sport, but there is one I like — motor racing. Some people think it’s boring to just watch cars going round and round, but 1 love it. It’s really exciting, and it takes a lot of skill I’d like to try it, but I think I’d be a bit frightened because they go very fast.
Speaker 3: We’ve tried a few different sports at school, and I really like playing volleyball It’s a great feeling when you know you’ve played better than the other team. You have to be quite fit to do it well. I’d like to play again, but none of my friends are interested. I think I need to find a team in my local area.
Speaker 4: I love going to football and basketball matches. I try to go every weekend, with my friends. What I like about those sports is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be a fantastic player, but without the others, you’re nothing.
Speaker 5: I like sport, but I don’t really take it seriously. Winning and losing aren’t very important to me, but spending time with my friends is. We get together every Saturday and play a different sport — football or baseball, usually. It’s a lot of fun.
3) Read the script again and find the English equivalents for the following:
1) отличный вид тренировки 2) поддерживает моё здоровье 3) оставаться в форме 4) хорошая партия в теннис 5) заставляет ваше тело работать 6) найти способ потренироваться 7) требует хороших навыков, чтобы выполнять это хорошо 8) попробовать заниматься (каким-либо спортом) 9) замечательный игрок 10) не воспринимать что-либо серьезно 11) победа или проигрыш не имеют значения 12) заниматься каким-то новым (другим видом спорта)
4) Listen to http://www.elllo.org/video/1351/1364-Hana-Sports.htm and
http://www.elllo.org/english/1351/T1364-Warren-Sports.htm. Write out all the useful phrases the speakers use.
5) Prepare a similar talk about your favourite sport. Use the phrases from the two videos and the vocabulary you have learned so far (no fewer than 10 items!) Record you monologue here and download the mp4 file (ONLY mp.4) to your Google Drive and insert the link onto the page in your google doc with your homework. Open access to your mp4 file ‘commenting for everybody who has a link’.
ONLINE MICROPHONE (for Task 3, see below)
1) Using the Vocabulary list, answer the following questions to practice the vocabulary.
Some popular sports
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- Would you like to take up sky-diving?
- Would you rather have a go at mountaineering or scuba diving? Why?
- What equipment do you need for fencing?
- What’s the difference between parachuting and gliding?
Some popular games
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- What equipment is used in curling?
- Have you ever played badminton? If not, would you like to have a go at it? Why?
- What’s the difference between American football and soccer?
- Why do you think games like draughts and chess are considered to be sporting games?
- What do you call a person who: a) does a long-jump; b) does gymnastics; c) rides horses in races; d) plays hockey; e) drives cars in races; f) plays football; g) throws the discus /javelin; h) does the pole-vault?
- What’s the difference between an amateur sportsman and an athlete?
- What do you call someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument?
- What’s the difference between a crew and a team?
- What is the official called in a tennis match? In football?
- Have you ever been a spectator at a football match?
- Have you ever shouted for some team or athlete? When and where was it?
- What do you call a person, usually a woman or girl in an organized group, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event?
- What’s the difference between a fan and a cheerleader?
- Do you think raucous cheering really helps athletes to win or interferes with players’ performance?
Scoring System
- What do you call the number of points, goals, etc. achieved in a game or competition?
- If two teams (Brazil and Mexico) finished a game or competition with each team or player having the same score 4-4, you can say: Brazil …. 4-4 against Mexico.
- What’s the synonym to ‘to put in goal’?
- What’s the difference between a point and a score?
- Have you ever become frustrated when your team (the team you were cheering for) lost a goal or a point in some sport? When and where did it happen? Did your team win or lose the game?
Competition sites and sport equipment
- What is a sports venue?
- What’s the difference between a ‘pitch’ and a ‘court’?
- What are some examples of sport facilities? (Name as many as you can.)
- What are some examples of sport equipment? (Name as many as you can.)
- What’s the difference in use between a ‘dumbbell’ and a ‘barbell’?
Sport terms and useful phrases
- What do you call a race, party, competition, etc. that has been organized for a particular time?
- What’s the difference between a ‘match’ and a ‘tournament’?
- Did you train under the coach when you were a schoolboy/girl?
- What’s the difference in use between ‘to beat’ and ‘to win’?
- Are the words ‘proficient’ and ‘professional’ synonymic?
2) Now look at the script of the audio and write out useful phrases which could be used to talk about sports.
Speaker 1: I play tennis quite often, and it’s a great form of exercise, it keeps me healthy. It’s important to stay in shape and a good game of tennis really makes your body work. Everyone needs to find a way to get some exercise and for me, it’s tennis.
Speaker 2: I am not really very interested in most sport, but there is one I like — motor racing. Some people think it’s boring to just watch cars going round and round, but 1 love it. It’s really exciting, and it takes a lot of skill I’d like to try it, but I think I’d be a bit frightened because they go very fast.
Speaker 3: We’ve tried a few different sports at school, and I really like playing volleyball It’s a great feeling when you know you’ve played better than the other team. You have to be quite fit to do it well. I’d like to play again, but none of my friends are interested. I think I need to find a team in my local area.
Speaker 4: I love going to football and basketball matches. I try to go every weekend, with my friends. What I like about those sports is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be a fantastic player, but without the others, you’re nothing.
Speaker 5: I like sport, but I don’t really take it seriously. Winning and losing aren’t very important to me, but spending time with my friends is. We get together every Saturday and play a different sport — football or baseball, usually. It’s a lot of fun.
3) Read the script again and find the English equivalents for the following:
1) отличный вид тренировки 2) поддерживает моё здоровье 3) оставаться в форме 4) хорошая партия в теннис 5) заставляет ваше тело работать 6) найти способ потренироваться 7) требует хороших навыков, чтобы выполнять это хорошо 8) попробовать заниматься (каким-либо спортом) 9) замечательный игрок 10) не воспринимать что-либо серьезно 11) победа или проигрыш не имеют значения 12) заниматься каким-то новым (другим видом спорта)
4) Listen to http://www.elllo.org/video/1351/1364-Hana-Sports.htm and
http://www.elllo.org/english/1351/T1364-Warren-Sports.htm. Write out all the useful phrases the speakers use.
5) Prepare a similar talk about your favourite sport. Use the phrases from the two videos and the vocabulary you have learned so far (no fewer than 10 items!) Record you monologue here and download the mp4 file (ONLY mp.4) to your Google Drive and insert the link onto the page in your google doc with your homework. Open access to your mp4 file ‘commenting for everybody who has a link’.
1) Choose an opinion which is closer to yours. Add some ideas of your own (in writing).
Question: What does the word “sport” mean in your life? Which point of view is closer to yours?
Opinion 1: Honestly, I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. Opinion 2: I’m really a fan of spot. I’ve tried a lot of sports in my life and I’m always eager to take up a new one.
2) Read the information below before moving on to reading.
NOTE: The words ‘effective’ and ‘efficient’ both mean «capable of producing a result,» but there is an important difference. Effective means «producing a result that is wanted». Efficient means «capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy».
The difference is that when something is effective it produces a result even if it takes some unnecessary resources to do so. When something is efficient, not only does it produce a result, but it does so in a quick or simple way using as little material, time, effort, or energy as possible. The following example sentences show how the two words are used.
The 200-page instruction manual was effective [=successful] in teaching the teen to repair the car himself, but it would have been more efficient [=faster and easier] for someone to show him.
His disorganized method of cleaning the house was effective but it was not efficient; in the end, the house was clean, but it took much longer than it should have.
Walking may be an effective way to get to the office, but driving is more efficient. Both methods will get you there, but driving takes less time and energy.
The word ‘effective’ puts more attention on the actual ability to produce a desired result. The word ‘efficient’ puts more attention on the lack of waste in producing that result.
3) Note the meaning of the following idioms from the text you are going to read. Complete the sentences. Write three sentences of your own with the given idioms.
4) Read the text ‘Working on your Workout’, do the multiple choice exercise below and complete the summary of the text.
5) Find the English equivalents to the phrases in the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
сбалансированная диета, регулярные физические упражнения, выполнять физические упражнения должным образом, тренироваться правильно, эффективное и рациональное достижение наилучших результатов, быстрое выполнение тренировок, правильно выполнять упражнения, получить желаемые результаты, эксперты по тренировкам, разработать рекомендации о том, как научить людей делать что-то правильно, добиться максимальной пользы для здоровья, достичь наилучших результатов тренировок, полезные советы, которые нужно помнить, выполнять одну и ту же процедуру снова и снова, давать нагрузку мышцам, не давать мышцам расти и восстанавливаться, постоянно выполнять одни ии те же упражнения, изменить набор упражнений, добавить разнообразные упражнения в свою тренировку, убедиться, что тело остается в форме, помочь своему здоровью и развитию мышц, работать слишком усердно, следить за тем, чтобы количество тренировок не превышало двух в неделю, выходить из графика, пропускать день, для разнообразия тренировок, планировать более легкие упражнения.
6) Write an article for a teens’ magazine with arguments for and against practicing sports and some tips on how not to overwork. Use the following key-words (add some ideas of your own).and the phrases from the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
Physical Benefits: helps strengthen the immune system, healthier body, develop strong muscles, be in good form (shape), more physically attractive.Social benefits: fun, earn attention and respect from peers and adults, be with friends and make new ones, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.Personal benefits: exciting life: improve mood and reduce the chance of depression, traveling for competition, break records, rewards (prizes, cups, large sums of money, help relieve stress, increase self-discipline, experience success, such as winning, learn to deal with disappointment, such as losing, learn healthy habits, helps to get/stay fit, perform better at school (at the university), to be less likely to drop out, to be less likely to smoke.
Physical downsides: injuries, athletes break bones, sprain muscles, fight, black eyes, be fanatical about, overwork themselves, exhaust themselves, cause overstrain and negative effects on the body.Personal downsides: hard life, to get up early, train for hours, to follow a strict daily programme; no time to idle.Social downsides: individual sports require little social interaction
1) Watch the video ‘Challenging Exercise Ball Ab Workout’ and complete the table for each exercise in the video according to the example (Exercise 1). You don’t have to write the script of the whole video — pick out the information you need or add some information of your own. How many rounds are there? How many exercises are there altogether? https://www.youtube.com/embed/gwwNST1hwgI
Description of Exercise | Comment (which muscles are involved etc) | Number of repetitions |
Round 1 Physioball Pikes 1. Get your feet up on top of the ball so you are out in a plank position. 2. Draw your feet in by shoving your hips up straight over top of your shoulders. 3. Get back in a plank position with your feet up on top of the ball. | This exercise requires a lot of flexibility through your hamstrings. When doing this exercise you use your abdominal muscles and hip flexors. The ball can be very unstable, so make sure you are moving really slowly and in controlled motions. Don’t try to throw your hips up over the top of your shoulders. Just do a nice slow tight squeeze trying to keep your balance. | 10 |
Physioball Crunch 1. …. | ||
2) Do you think exercises with the exercise ball could be effective for you? Why (Why not?) Give an extended answer (5-6 sentences).
3) Make a similar table for your favourite set of exercises (with 5-6 exercises).
4) GRAMMAR (for self-practice, you don’t need to include this test in your homework file):
a) Follow the link to study the information about the present perfect continuous (=progressive) tense and do Grammar Test 1 and Grammar Test 2 on the same page for your better understanding of the difference in use between the present perfect tense and the present pefect progressive tense. Check your mistakes (you don’t need to include this test in your homework file).
b) Follow the link to do one more grammar test on the present perfect progressive. Check your mistakes (you don’t need to include this test in your homework file).
1) Choose an opinion which is closer to yours. Add some ideas of your own (in writing).
Question: What does the word “sport” mean in your life? Which point of view is closer to yours?
Opinion 1: Honestly, I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. Opinion 2: I’m really a fan of spot. I’ve tried a lot of sports in my life and I’m always eager to take up a new one.
2) Read the information below before moving on to reading.
NOTE: The words ‘effective’ and ‘efficient’ both mean «capable of producing a result,» but there is an important difference. Effective means «producing a result that is wanted». Efficient means «capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy».
The difference is that when something is effective it produces a result even if it takes some unnecessary resources to do so. When something is efficient, not only does it produce a result, but it does so in a quick or simple way using as little material, time, effort, or energy as possible. The following example sentences show how the two words are used.
The 200-page instruction manual was effective [=successful] in teaching the teen to repair the car himself, but it would have been more efficient [=faster and easier] for someone to show him.
His disorganized method of cleaning the house was effective but it was not efficient; in the end, the house was clean, but it took much longer than it should have.
Walking may be an effective way to get to the office, but driving is more efficient. Both methods will get you there, but driving takes less time and energy.
The word ‘effective’ puts more attention on the actual ability to produce a desired result. The word ‘efficient’ puts more attention on the lack of waste in producing that result.
3) Note the meaning of the following idioms from the text you are going to read. Complete the sentences. Write three sentences of your own with the given idioms.
4) Read the text ‘Working on your Workout’, do the multiple choice exercise below and complete the summary of the text.
5) Find the English equivalents to the phrases in the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
сбалансированная диета, регулярные физические упражнения, выполнять физические упражнения должным образом, тренироваться правильно, эффективное и рациональное достижение наилучших результатов, быстрое выполнение тренировок, правильно выполнять упражнения, получить желаемые результаты, эксперты по тренировкам, разработать рекомендации о том, как научить людей делать что-то правильно, добиться максимальной пользы для здоровья, достичь наилучших результатов тренировок, полезные советы, которые нужно помнить, выполнять одну и ту же процедуру снова и снова, давать нагрузку мышцам, не давать мышцам расти и восстанавливаться, постоянно выполнять одни ии те же упражнения, изменить набор упражнений, добавить разнообразные упражнения в свою тренировку, убедиться, что тело остается в форме, помочь своему здоровью и развитию мышц, работать слишком усердно, следить за тем, чтобы количество тренировок не превышало двух в неделю, выходить из графика, пропускать день, для разнообразия тренировок, планировать более легкие упражнения.
6) Write an article for a teens’ magazine with arguments for and against practicing sports and some tips on how not to overwork. Use the following key-words (add some ideas of your own).and the phrases from the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
Physical Benefits: helps strengthen the immune system, healthier body, develop strong muscles, be in good form (shape), more physically attractive.Social benefits: fun, earn attention and respect from peers and adults, be with friends and make new ones, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.Personal benefits: exciting life: improve mood and reduce the chance of depression, traveling for competition, break records, rewards (prizes, cups, large sums of money, help relieve stress, increase self-discipline, experience success, such as winning, learn to deal with disappointment, such as losing, learn healthy habits, helps to get/stay fit, perform better at school (at the university), to be less likely to drop out, to be less likely to smoke.
Physical downsides: injuries, athletes break bones, sprain muscles, fight, black eyes, be fanatical about, overwork themselves, exhaust themselves, cause overstrain and negative effects on the body.Personal downsides: hard life, to get up early, train for hours, to follow a strict daily programme; no time to idle.Social downsides: individual sports require little social interaction
1) Choose an opinion which is closer to yours. Add some ideas of your own (in writing).
Question: What does the word “sport” mean in your life? Which point of view is closer to yours?
Opinion 1: Honestly, I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. Opinion 2: I’m really a fan of spot. I’ve tried a lot of sports in my life and I’m always eager to take up a new one.
2) Read the information below before moving on to reading.
NOTE: The words ‘effective’ and ‘efficient’ both mean «capable of producing a result,» but there is an important difference. Effective means «producing a result that is wanted». Efficient means «capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy».
The difference is that when something is effective it produces a result even if it takes some unnecessary resources to do so. When something is efficient, not only does it produce a result, but it does so in a quick or simple way using as little material, time, effort, or energy as possible. The following example sentences show how the two words are used.
The 200-page instruction manual was effective [=successful] in teaching the teen to repair the car himself, but it would have been more efficient [=faster and easier] for someone to show him.
His disorganized method of cleaning the house was effective but it was not efficient; in the end, the house was clean, but it took much longer than it should have.
Walking may be an effective way to get to the office, but driving is more efficient. Both methods will get you there, but driving takes less time and energy.
The word ‘effective’ puts more attention on the actual ability to produce a desired result. The word ‘efficient’ puts more attention on the lack of waste in producing that result.
3) Note the meaning of the following idioms from the text you are going to read. Complete the sentences. Write three sentences of your own with the given idioms.
4) Read the text ‘Working on your Workout’, do the multiple choice exercise below and complete the summary of the text.
5) Find the English equivalents to the phrases in the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
сбалансированная диета, регулярные физические упражнения, выполнять физические упражнения должным образом, тренироваться правильно, эффективное и рациональное достижение наилучших результатов, быстрое выполнение тренировок, правильно выполнять упражнения, получить желаемые результаты, эксперты по тренировкам, разработать рекомендации о том, как научить людей делать что-то правильно, добиться максимальной пользы для здоровья, достичь наилучших результатов тренировок, полезные советы, которые нужно помнить, выполнять одну и ту же процедуру снова и снова, давать нагрузку мышцам, не давать мышцам расти и восстанавливаться, постоянно выполнять одни ии те же упражнения, изменить набор упражнений, добавить разнообразные упражнения в свою тренировку, убедиться, что тело остается в форме, помочь своему здоровью и развитию мышц, работать слишком усердно, следить за тем, чтобы количество тренировок не превышало двух в неделю, выходить из графика, пропускать день, для разнообразия тренировок, планировать более легкие упражнения.
6) Write an article for a teens’ magazine with arguments for and against practicing sports and some tips on how not to overwork. Use the following key-words (add some ideas of your own).and the phrases from the text ‘Working on your Workout’.
Physical Benefits: helps strengthen the immune system, healthier body, develop strong muscles, be in good form (shape), more physically attractive.Social benefits: fun, earn attention and respect from peers and adults, be with friends and make new ones, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.Personal benefits: exciting life: improve mood and reduce the chance of depression, traveling for competition, break records, rewards (prizes, cups, large sums of money, help relieve stress, increase self-discipline, experience success, such as winning, learn to deal with disappointment, such as losing, learn healthy habits, helps to get/stay fit, perform better at school (at the university), to be less likely to drop out, to be less likely to smoke.
Physical downsides: injuries, athletes break bones, sprain muscles, fight, black eyes, be fanatical about, overwork themselves, exhaust themselves, cause overstrain and negative effects on the body.Personal downsides: hard life, to get up early, train for hours, to follow a strict daily programme; no time to idle.Social downsides: individual sports require little social interaction
ONLINE MICROPHONE (for Task 3, see below)
1) Using the Vocabulary list, answer the following questions to practice the vocabulary.
Some popular sports
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- Would you like to take up sky-diving?
- Would you rather have a go at mountaineering or scuba diving? Why?
- What equipment do you need for fencing?
- What’s the difference between parachuting and gliding?
Some popular games
- What do you call a sport which is played in two teams and done by hitting the ball across the boundary, or by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts called wickets?
- What equipment is used in curling?
- Have you ever played badminton? If not, would you like to have a go at it? Why?
- What’s the difference between American football and soccer?
- Why do you think games like draughts and chess are considered to be sporting games?
- What do you call a person who: a) does a long-jump; b) does gymnastics; c) rides horses in races; d) plays hockey; e) drives cars in races; f) plays football; g) throws the discus /javelin; h) does the pole-vault?
- What’s the difference between an amateur sportsman and an athlete?
- What do you call someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument?
- What’s the difference between a crew and a team?
- What is the official called in a tennis match? In football?
- Have you ever been a spectator at a football match?
- Have you ever shouted for some team or athlete? When and where was it?
- What do you call a person, usually a woman or girl in an organized group, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event?
- What’s the difference between a fan and a cheerleader?
- Do you think raucous cheering really helps athletes to win or interferes with players’ performance?
Scoring System
- What do you call the number of points, goals, etc. achieved in a game or competition?
- If two teams (Brazil and Mexico) finished a game or competition with each team or player having the same score 4-4, you can say: Brazil …. 4-4 against Mexico.
- What’s the synonym to ‘to put in goal’?
- What’s the difference between a point and a score?
- Have you ever become frustrated when your team (the team you were cheering for) lost a goal or a point in some sport? When and where did it happen? Did your team win or lose the game?
Competition sites and sport equipment
- What is a sports venue?
- What’s the difference between a ‘pitch’ and a ‘court’?
- What are some examples of sport facilities? (Name as many as you can.)
- What are some examples of sport equipment? (Name as many as you can.)
- What’s the difference in use between a ‘dumbbell’ and a ‘barbell’?
Sport terms and useful phrases
- What do you call a race, party, competition, etc. that has been organized for a particular time?
- What’s the difference between a ‘match’ and a ‘tournament’?
- Did you train under the coach when you were a schoolboy/girl?
- What’s the difference in use between ‘to beat’ and ‘to win’?
- Are the words ‘proficient’ and ‘professional’ synonymic?
2) Now look at the script of the audio and write out useful phrases which could be used to talk about sports.
Speaker 1: I play tennis quite often, and it’s a great form of exercise, it keeps me healthy. It’s important to stay in shape and a good game of tennis really makes your body work. Everyone needs to find a way to get some exercise and for me, it’s tennis.
Speaker 2: I am not really very interested in most sport, but there is one I like — motor racing. Some people think it’s boring to just watch cars going round and round, but 1 love it. It’s really exciting, and it takes a lot of skill I’d like to try it, but I think I’d be a bit frightened because they go very fast.
Speaker 3: We’ve tried a few different sports at school, and I really like playing volleyball It’s a great feeling when you know you’ve played better than the other team. You have to be quite fit to do it well. I’d like to play again, but none of my friends are interested. I think I need to find a team in my local area.
Speaker 4: I love going to football and basketball matches. I try to go every weekend, with my friends. What I like about those sports is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be a fantastic player, but without the others, you’re nothing.
Speaker 5: I like sport, but I don’t really take it seriously. Winning and losing aren’t very important to me, but spending time with my friends is. We get together every Saturday and play a different sport — football or baseball, usually. It’s a lot of fun.
3) Read the script again and find the English equivalents for the following:
1) отличный вид тренировки 2) поддерживает моё здоровье 3) оставаться в форме 4) хорошая партия в теннис 5) заставляет ваше тело работать 6) найти способ потренироваться 7) требует хороших навыков, чтобы выполнять это хорошо 8) попробовать заниматься (каким-либо спортом) 9) замечательный игрок 10) не воспринимать что-либо серьезно 11) победа или проигрыш не имеют значения 12) заниматься каким-то новым (другим видом спорта)
4) Listen to http://www.elllo.org/video/1351/1364-Hana-Sports.htm and
http://www.elllo.org/english/1351/T1364-Warren-Sports.htm. Write out all the useful phrases the speakers use.
5) Prepare a similar talk about your favourite sport. Use the phrases from the two videos and the vocabulary you have learned so far (no fewer than 10 items!) Record you monologue here and download the mp4 file (ONLY mp.4) to your Google Drive and insert the link onto the page in your google doc with your homework. Open access to your mp4 file ‘commenting for everybody who has a link’.
AUDIO (page 18): «We spoke to some girls…»
VIDEO 1 (page 20):
VIDEO 2 (page 24): The Rules of Basketball — EXPLAINED!
VIDEO 3 (page 27): Rules of Basketball : How to Play Basketball : Basketball Rules for Beginners
VIDEO: History of the Olympics

AUDIO: Winter Olympics

AUDIO: Sports Gene Interview 1

AUDIO: Sports Gene Interview 2

VIDEO 1 (page 24): The Rules of Basketball — EXPLAINED!
VIDEO 2 (page 27): Rules of Basketball : How to Play Basketball : Basketball Rules for Beginners

VIDEO 1 (page 20):
VIDEO 2 (page 24): The Rules of Basketball — EXPLAINED!
VIDEO 3 (page 27): Rules of Basketball : How to Play Basketball : Basketball Rules for Beginners