- Study the information on how to write a reply to an enquiry.
- Study the cliches for a reply to an enquiry
- Write an imaginary reply to your enquiry letter about a product you wanted to buy. Use the information on how to write a reply to an enquiry and the cliches for a reply to an enquiry from Task 1 and Task 2.
TEXTBOOK 1: Business Result Upper Intermediate (Unit 1)
TEXTBOOK 2: Business Result Upper Intermediate (Unit 2)
1)TEXTBOOK: page 14-15, exercise 1-4 (Use the script on page 151 if necessary)
2) TEXTBOOK, page 15, exercise 6: Write a dialogue using small talk cliches and techniques and trying to keep the conversation going as long as possible. Use the given topics and key expressions on page 15 (on the right).
3) Study the information about the enquiry letter.
4) Study the samples of enquiry letters.

5) Study the cliches for enquiry letters.
- Cliches for enquiry letters
- Would you kindly … I would be grateful if you could tell me… (for things that are not normally offered) I would especially like to know… ( + a more detailed request) We would like to have further details about … Could you (also)… ( + an additional enquiry or request) I am writing to enquire whether… (to see if something is possible) Please send me… (for things that the organisation offers to send)
6) Write a real enquiry letter to some web-site which you are interested in. Use the table Cliche for business letters and the information about how to write enquiry letters. Put the link to the website you have written to and your letter in your google document.