1) Grammar: LONGMAN REPORTED SPEECH Read page 218-221 and answer the following questions (in writing).
- When do we use past tenses of reporting verbs?
- According to what principle do we move the reported clauses?
- What is the most general rule for using tenses in the indirect speech when the reporting verb is in a past tense?
- Is it always necessary to make adverb changes in indirect speech when reporting past events? Give an example of your own.
- Do we use question marks in indirect questions? Give an example of your own.
- Is it necessary to change tenses to report a question that has just been asked? Give an example of your own.
- What is the word order called in reported questions? In reported tag questions? Give examples of your own.
- In what cases do we use «if» or «whether»? Give examples of your own.
- What is the word order in indirect subject questions? What is the word order in direct subject questions? Give examples of your own.
2) Watch the video and take some notes (write them down in your homework file).
3) Do exercises 15.3.A, 15.3.B,15.3.C,15.4.A,15.4.B,15.4.C,15.4.D in writing.
1) Do Test: Review of tenses.
2) Grammar: LONGMAN REPORTED SPEECH Read page 214-217 and answer the following questions (in writing).
- What punctuation marks are put outside all other punctuation marks when representing direct speech? Give an example of your own.
- Is it correct to use double punctuation marks to punctuate direct speech in English?
- Is it correct to use single punctuation marks to punctuate direct speech in English?
- Do we use dashes to punctuate direct speech in English?
- What are the commonest reporting verbs used in both direct and indirect speech mentioned in the textbook?
- What punctuation mark comes after the subject+reporting verb (followed by direct speech) at the beginning of a sentence? Give an example of your own.
- Do we put a comma before or after the second quotation mark when punctuating direct speech? Give an example of your own.
- What punctuation mark do we put after the subject+reporting verb in the middle of a quotation-sentence? Give an example of your own.
- If the reporting verb is in the present, is there a tense change in the reported sentence? Give an example of your own.
- What are the most typical situations when the reporting verb is in the present given in the textbook? Write three more situations of your own.
3) Do exercises 15.1.A, 15.1.B,15.1.C,15.1.D,15.2.A,15.2.B,15.2.C,15.2.D in writing.
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