AUDIO FOR THE TEXTBOOK «HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 2020-2021»:page 6, exercise 3 (audio, script for the audio)

page 8, exercise 2 (audio)page 12, exercise 3.49 (audio)page 12, exercise 3.50 (audio)page 13, exercise 2 (video)
page 18, exercise 1 (video)page 18, exercise 4 (video)page 19, exercise 8 (video)page 23, exercise 5 (video)Healthy Lifestyle: More Practice 1) Listen and a) write a summary; b) make a multiple choice comprehension exercise for other students c) make a list of useful vocabulary from the video; d) make a translation exercise to practice the vocabulary from the video.
2) Look at the questions and write about your sleep habits using the questions as a plan. Make use of the vocabulary of the lesson.
- Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not?
- Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
- Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?
- What keeps you awake at night? (e.g. worrying too much about stuff, your neighbors’ parties, an uncomfortable bed, a hot summer)
- Do you use, or have you ever used, any special methods that help you get to sleep?
- A strong nightcap?
- Sleeping pills?
- Herbal remedies?
- Counting sheep?
- Meditation?
- Do you ever oversleep?
- Do you need an alarm clock to wake up?
- Do you ever sleep in? (Sleep late in the morning)
- Do you fall asleep while watching the TV or reading?
- Do you have a nap at lunchtime or at another time of the day? Does it help?
Прикрепите ссылку на Гугл Документ с выполненным заданием к этой странице. В файле должно быть только одно выполненное (текущее) занятие. К файлу должен быть открыт доступ «комментировать могут все, у кого есть ссылка».
1) Comment on each of the statements in exercise 5b in written form (TEXTBOOK: page 10)
2) Watch two videos ‘Tips for a healthier you’ and ‘Simple ways to have a healthier lifestyle’. Take notes. Which video gives better advice? Why? What tips did you find especially useful? (Name three most useful ones, as you view it?) https://www.youtube.com/embed/pgbMQy8glao https://www.youtube.com/embed/JrgrFpwSoMc
3) Reading: TEXTBOOK: page 14-15 and answer the question: Why are unhealthy people so reluctant to change their lifestyle (according to the author)? Do you agree with the author? Explain your point of view.
4)TEXTBOOK: page 14-15: Make a list of all the useful phrases from the article ‘Why are unhealthy people so reluctant to change their lifestyle’ (on the topic ‘Healthy Lifestyle’).
5) Make an exercise on translation for other students to practice the vocabulary of the article ‘Why are unhealthy people so reluctant to change their lifestyle’. (6-8 sentences with the phrases from the text).
6) Read the article ‘How to Eat Healthy’ and write an opinion essay «Do people in your country need to change their eating habits?’ Don’t write tips and recomendations, write your opinion. Write no fewer than 300 words.
AUDIO FOR THE TEXTBOOK «HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 2020-2021»:page 6, exercise 3 (audio, script for the audio)

page 8, exercise 2 (audio)page 12, exercise 3.49 (audio)page 12, exercise 3.50 (audio)page 13, exercise 2 (video)
page 18, exercise 2 (audio «We spoke to some girls…»)
page 24, exercise 2 (video «The Rules of Basketball explained» («The object of the game…»))
page 25, exercise 3 (video «The Rules of Basketball explained» («The object of the game…»))
page 27, exercise 4 (video «Basketball for Beginners» («How to play basketball»))
page 32, exercise 3 (audio «The Sports Gene» Intervew 1)
page 33, (audio The Sports Gene, Interview 2)
page 41, exercise 1 (video)page 44, exercise 2 (audio)
page 47, exercise 2 (video)page 48, exercise 4 (audio)
AUDIO: 3.48
1) Listening
TEXTBOOK: page 7, exercise 4a, 4b, 4c.
2) Pronunciation:
TEXTBOOK: page 7, exercise 4d, 4e, 4f
3) Listen and a) write a summary; b) make a multiple choice comprehension exercise for other students c) make a list of useful vocabulary from the video; d) make a translation exercise to practice the vocabulary from the video. You can use the SCRIPT. https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZKNQ6gsW45M
1) TEXTBOOK: page 9, exercise 3 a: Choose three statements you agree with and expand on each of them (in no fewer than 5-6 sentences)
2) Reading: TEXTBOOK:
page 9, exercise 2a: Answer the questions about longevity.
page 9, exercise 2b: Present the point of view of the scientist on the questions from 2a.
page 9, exercise 2c: Summarize the main points of the interview in seven paragraphs.
3)Watch a video about longevity. Do the task in the TEXTBOOK: page 11-13. Then look at the script and write down all the useful phrases to talk on the topic.
4) Read the following articles and write an argumentative essay «Living for 1,000 years: pros and cons» (in no fewer than 300 words). Use the phrases from the interview and the video (see above).
Here’s what humanity may be like in 1,000 years
We will be able to live to 1,000
Want to live to 1,000? Be careful what you wish for