Прикрепите ссылку на Гугл Документ с выполненным заданием к этой странице. В файле должно быть только одно выполненное (текущее) занятие. К файлу должен быть открыт доступ «комментировать могут все, у кого есть ссылка».
1) Listening
TEXTBOOK: exercise 4a, 4b, 4c.
2) Pronunciation:
TEXTBOOK: exercise 4d, 4e, 4f AUDIO
3) Listen and a) write a summary; b) make a multiple choice comprehension exercise for other students c) make a list of useful vocabulary from the video; d) make a translation exercise to practice the vocabulary from the video. https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZKNQ6gsW45M
5)Look at the questions and write about your sleep habits using the questions as a plan. Make use of the vocabulary of the lesson.
- Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not?
- Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
- Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?
- What keeps you awake at night? (e.g. worrying too much about stuff, too much coffee, your partner’s snoring, your neighbors’ parties, an uncomfortable bed, a hot summer)
- Do you use, or have you ever used, any special methods that help you get to sleep?
- A strong nightcap?
- Sleeping pills?
- Herbal remedies?
- Counting sheep?
- Meditation?
- Do you ever oversleep?
- Do you need an alarm clock to wake up?
- Do you ever sleep in? (Sleep late in the morning)
- Do you fall asleep while watching the TV or reading?
- Do you have a nap at lunchtime or at another time of the day? Does it help?
1)TEXTBOOK: page 10, exercise 4a: Answer the questions about dieting.
2) page 10, exercise 4b: read about a CR diet. Write a list of foods you think you can eat on this diet.
3) Listening: AUDIO: 3.55 3.56 TEXTBOOK: page 10, exercise 4c, 4d.
4)Look at the script of the audio and write out all the useful phrases on the topic ‘Healthy lifestyle’.
5) Give an extended answer to the questions in exercise 4e (TEXTBOOK: page 10)
6) Watch the video and summarize the main ideas expressed in it.
Write down all the useful vocabulary from the video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/0z03xkwFbw4
7) Read the article ‘Pros and Cons of Dieting’
Are there any points you disagree with? Write out the useful vocabulary.
8) Write an essay ‘My Attitude to Dieting’ (in no fewer than 300 words). Make use of the vocabulary of the lesson.
*You can also read this article to extend your vocabulary on the topic: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/healthy-eating.htm
WATCHING AND WRITING page 23, exercise 5 (video)Before you watch 1. Answer the questions. 1) How old is the oldest person you know or have known personally? 2) Who is he/she? 3) What do you think he/she would say is the secret to a long life? 2. Find definitions for each of the following words in English dictionaries and write them down. Write the examples of the use of these words from the dictionaries, too. fad longevity antioxidant centenarian. life-enhancing expectancy 3. Make the collocations. Make sentences of your own with them.

4. Which two factors do you think are the most important for a long life? Answer the question in writing. After you watch 5. Watch the video (you can use the script below), then answer the following question: What are the two main reasons mentioned for why Okinawans live such long lives? 6. Are the statements true or false? Watch the video again and check your ideas. 1) Okinawa has double the percentage of people than Britain and America has. 2) The Okinawans think a lot about the effect of their lifestyle on their longevity. 3) The Okinawan diet is rich in antioxidants and protein from meat and eggs. 4) The Japanese saying hara hachi boo means eat about a thousand calories a day. 5) Bradley sees the attitude towards eating as different from in the West. 7. Read the script and write out all the useful expressions on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle”. SCRIPT The remote island of Okinawa is home to one of the longest living communities in the world. In a population of only one million there are nine hundred centenarians, a percentage that’s over four times higher than Bntain and America. It’s a place where age has a different meaning. Where people like Mr Miyagi can expect to live way beyond his 92nd year. Unaware of the latest diet or lifestyle fad. Mr Miyagi has developed his own way of defying the ageing process. C: They’re not thinking about ‘Gee. if I do this I’m not gonna live as long if I . . . I have one extra drink or if I eat this food or . . . ‘ — they’re not thinking about that at all. Most of them couldn’t care less what the scientists think -they just go about their business and live. They just happen to live a very long time. N: The explanation for this extraordinary phenomenon begins in the most ordinary of places. Like every town in Okinawa the fruit and vegetable shop in Agimi lies at the heart of village life. It’s here that Bradley and Craig believe the source of the Okinawa miracle can be traced. For the past twenty years Bradley and Craig have been analysing the life-enhancing Okinawan ingredients. C: Got reds here in the tomatoes, the peppers, you’ve got green peppers here. N: They’ve identified a number of crucial properties that guard the Okinawans from disease, from the antioxidant-rich vegetables that protect against cell damage, to the high quantities of soya proteins. In gimi. one hundred year old Matsu is preparing a traditional Okinawan dish using all the vital ingredients. It’s only after the food is served that the most significant Okinawan tradition can be observed. C: The Okinawans developed also cultural habits over the years that appear to have health protective properties. They have a saying called ‘hara hachi bu’ (eat until you’re only eighty per cent full). N: In a typical day, Matsu only consumes around twelve hundred calories, about twenty per cent less than most people in Britain and America. C: In the West we’re very much focused on getting more for our money and one of the most popular things is these-all-you-can-eat restaurants. You go and you load up at the, at the, the all-you-can-eat restaurant and you, you walk away with this bloated feeling and you … you may have got your money’s worth but you probably didn’t get your, your health’s worth because what you’re doing is just digging yourself into an early grave. 8. Answer the questions in writing using the vocabulary from the previous exercise. 1) How easy do you think you would find it to live in Okinawa? 2) Is there anything you would find difficult? 3) Would you like to be a centenarian? Why? (Why not?) 4) What are advantages and disadvantages of living to a very long age?