Volgograd Arena Stadium

Уважаемые посетители сайта Englishhobby.ru! На этой странице вы найдёте материалы по следующим темам: Стадион Волгоград схема. Схема стадиона Волгоград Арена. Схема стадиона Волгоград арена по секторам. Схема стадиона Волгоград арена на английском языке. Схема трибун стадиона Волгоград Арена. Схема расположения сидений стадиона Волгоград Арена.  Стадион в Волгограде к чм 2018: схема (на английском языке).

stand (the stands) — трибуна
seat — место
row — ряд
gate — вход/выход
ticketbox — касса
turnstile — турникет
home end
away end
toilet/a public restroom/the bathroom/ a men’s room/ a ladies’ room — туалет
hotdog vendor
car park
valid identification
a program
a scorecard

Giving directions (for the support staff)

The toilets are on the left/right.
ATM machines are available at ….
… is located at the Main Entrance.
All calls and questions regarding lost and found should be made to (000) 000-000-00-00 or via email at ….@……
If you become separated from your child, please contact…
Gates open (one hour) before game time.
You can purchase a program and/or a scorecard from the merchandise store or the program booth at (the main entrance to the stadium).

Things that are not allowed/allowed
Children (four) years of age and under do not need a ticket for entry into the stadium.
Children (five) years of age and older must have a ticket to the game.
I’m sorry, but animals are prohibited at the stadium.
Sorry, but guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the stadium./You can’t bring alcoholic beverages into the stadium.
Banners or signs may be displayed at Municipal Stadium as long as they do not interfere with the game in progress.
You can’t use banners if they obstruct the view of other guests in the area.
You can/can’t bring outside food, beverages, bottles, and cans into the stadium.
Guests are welcome to bring still and handheld video cameras into the stadium as long as the equipment does not interfere with another guest’s enjoyment of the game.
Cellular phones and tablets are allowed into he stadium provided they do not interfere with another guest’s enjoyment of the game.

Glossary: Permitted Items:
1. Baby formula, bottles and baby food
2. Medication or other special needs
3. Cloth bags, soft packs, backpacks and baby bags (subject to
search, must fit under seat)
4. Still and video cameras (see “camera& video equipment”)
5. Binoculars
6. Seat cushions
7. Umbrellas (subject to size restrictions)

Glossary: Prohibited Items (items that are not allowed into the stadium):
1. Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs
2. Food items
3. Beverages (See “Beverages, Bottles and Cans” on page 1)
4. Glass bottles or cans
5. Ice chests or hard-sided coolers
6. Chairs
7. Camera tri-pods (See “Camera and Video Equipment” on page 1)
8. Sticks or clubs (including signs attached to sticks)
9. Fireworks
10. Bullhorns or other noisemakers
11. Confetti
12. Animals (except certified services dogs)
13. Beach balls or other inflatables
14. Bicycles
15. Skateboards or roller blades
16. Squirt guns or super soakers
17. Laser pointers
18. Weapons of any kind

First aid and ambulance/Emergency

If you have an emergency, please contact…

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