AUDIO: So what exactly is a smart city?
AUDIO: think it’s a good idea to make cities better places to livepage 9,

A Tour of London (AUDIO)page 20, ex 32 (INTERACTIVE MAP OF LONDON)page 21, ex 35 Houses of Parliament

1) Listen to the song ‘My Brain Hurts, but my Homework’s Done’ and write if you feel the same about your homework (Give an extended answer in a few sentences). If you are struggling with understanding the song, use the script. You can also watch the original video with the girl singing this song.

2) Imagine that you have a lot of free time. In the table below, choose six activities you would like to try or learn more about. Write a few sentences about the following: a) why you would like to try these activities; b) what interferes with you trying a new activity? How would you overcome this obstacle?
___Play basketball | ___Join a gym | ___Redecorate home/room |
___Go boating | ___Do aerobics | ___Garden |
___Play golf/football/tennis | ___Kiss and cuddle | ___Make home repairs |
___Watch sports on TV | ___Listen to soft music/listen to loud music | ___Meditate |
___Skateboard | ___Soak in a hot tub | ___Read daily meditations |
___Fish | ___Get a massage | ___Learn about a local theater group |
___Camp | ___Eat at a nice restaurant | ___Go to a play |
___Cook | ___Take a bubble bath | ___Go to a concert |
___Fix Car | ___Earn money | ___Write in a journal |
___Go hunting | ___Shop | ___Create artwork |
___Float on a raft | ___Improve outward appearance | ___Go to a museum |
___Camp out | ___Drive to a new place | ___Write poetry ___write song lyrics |
___Hike | ___Visit a new city | ___Play musical instrument |
___Snow ski___water ski | ___Travel to a foreign country | ___Read book or magazine |
___Go to the beach | ___Be in nature | ___Learn about classes at Parks and Rec |
___Lift weights | ___Watch wildlife | ___Play computer video games |
___Bike | ___Watch sunrise ___sunset | ___Play math games |
___Eat healthy foods | ___Watch stars | ___Sew |
___Stretch | ___Surf | ___Play cards |
___Walk | ___Surf the Internet | ___Go to the library |
___Help family members | ___Hug | ___Learn about volunteer programs at hospital/ animal shelter/arts center/church |
___Play with children | ___Be with partner | ___Study the Bible |
___Be with family | ___Volunteer/help others | ___Pray |
___Spend time with friends | ___Write letters | ___Go to church |
3) Use the Internet to find information about some centers where you can do the activities you have chosen in exercise. Fill in the chart below with the information you found out. Write questions about the activity to ask at the activity center (3 questions for each activity).
Activity Center | Website, Address, Telephone | Questions to ask |
| ||
| ||
4) Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. Who were London’s parks originally owned by and what purpose were they used for?
2. What sport activity is most commonly practiced in London parks?
3. Why may it be confusing to watch people play cricket?
4. What equipment is needed for cricket?
5. How long can cricket matches last?
6. What can prevent cricket players from playing?
7. What is ’rounders’?
8. What does the phrase ‘to kick around’ mean in the video?
9. What do British schoolchildren sometimes use as goalposts when they are ‘kicking around’?
10.What’s a traditional pastime of the university students at Cambridgee?
11. What does ‘to go punting’ mean?
12. What kind of boat is mentioned in the video?
13. What kind of playground do you need for playing croquet?
14. What sport and games do the speakers in the video play on a recreational basis, outside college?
English Parks and Sports (VIDEO)

5) Are there any sport activities practiced in the parks near where you live? (Try to give an extended answer.) What sports and games would you like to be able to play on a recreational basis in local parks in your home town? Describe them in details (in about 200 words).
AUDIO: How do you waste your time
6) Listen to the podcast ‘How do you waste your time’ and list all the things the speakers do instead of doing some important work. If you are struggling with understanding the recording, use the script below.
Script for «How do you waste your time«
Tess: OK. And now for ‘Your turn’ when we go out of the studio to talk to different people and ask their opinions about a question.
Ravi: And the question this time is “If you’ve got some work to do, but don’t want to do it, what do you do to put off working?” So, what things do you do to waste time?
Tess: You mean like playing solitaire on the computer? Ravi: Yeah.
Tess: Or checking your …book account every five minutes?
Ravi: Oh that’s me. But let’s hear what some other people said.
Voice 1: If I’ve got work to do and I don’t want to do it I spend a lot of time on my computer, looking at different websites and looking at funny pictures on the Internet and funny videos and things like this, I also … after that I probably will clean my flat before doing my work, … um … so if I have a lot of work to do I have a very clean flat and I know a lot about what’s happening on the Internet.
Voice 2: So, normally … um … if I was at work I would probably spent more time looking at my e-mails and writing emails, and then probably taking the work home to do at home in the evening … and if I was at home and I didn’t want to do the work, well it depends what kind of work it is, but I would probably telephone somebody, telephone home, or watch a film.
Voice 3: If I want to put off working I make coffee, constantly, every 15 minutes and I check my Facebook. Voice 4: Well if it’s work at home, like housework and things, I would try to do something like look after the children, play with the children, or I’d go and listen to music or get distracted watching something on television. If I’m in work in the office I would likely do the emailing and do the easier tasks and put off the main work that I was supposed to be doing.
Voice 5: So, if I’ve got some work to do but don’t want to do it there’s a variety of things that I do … um … one of them is go and make a cup of tea … um … so often in a day I can drink four or five cups of tea … um … another thing I do is switch on the TV and just channel surf and see if I can find something interesting to watch. The other thing I do is go onto the internet and surf around, check my email, check my Facebook, things like that. Tess: It’s funny isn’t it? Everybody has something – I mean something that they do when they don’t want to work. Ravi: Yeah. I thought I was the only one. What about our listeners? Why don’t you write and tell us what you do to waste time when you should be working.
7) Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and phrases. отложить выполнение работы, терять время, проверять свой аккаунт на Facebook, мне нужно выполнить работу, тратить много времени на компьютер (=проводить много времени за компьютером), заходить (=смотреть на) различные сайты, рассматривать смешные картинки в интернете и смешные видеоролики, что-то в этом роде, убирать свою квартиру перед выполнением работы, много знать о происходящем в Интернете, быть на работе, проводить время просматривая электронную почту, тратить время на написание электронных писем, брать работу на дом с тем чтобы выполнить её позже, это зависит от того, какая именно это работа, звонить кому-либо, звонить домой, смотреть фильм, готовить кофе, заходить на Facebook, работа по дому, присматривать за детьми, играть с детьми, отвлекаться на просмотр чего-либо по телевидению, заниматься электронными письмами, выполнять более лёгкие задачи, откладывать основную работу, которую я должен был делать, большое разнообразие (дел, вещей и т. п.), которые я делаю, включать телевизор и просто просматривать каналы в поисках чего-либо интересного доля просмотра, что-либо, что вы делаете, когда не хотите работать, я думал я один такой, почему бы вам не рассказать о том, что вы делаете, чтобы впустую потратить время, в тол время. когда вы должны работать.
8) Make up a dialogue based on the following situation. Use the expressions from the previous exercise. Situation for the dialogue: You and your friend haven’t prepared for a seminar because you wasted your time instead of getting ready for your class.
9) Watch the video What do You Like to Do in Your Spare Time? and write out all the useful expressions to talk on the topic «Free Time Activities»

9) Write a story on the topic «How I waste my time» in not less than 200 words. Use the vocabulary under study. Tell your story in class.

Tips for Falling Asleep (VIDEO)
10) Watch the video and a) write a summary; b) make a multiple choice comprehension exercise for other students c) make a list of useful vocabulary from the video; d) make a translation exercise to practice the vocabulary from the video.

11) Look at the questions and write about your sleep habits using the questions as a plan. Make use of the vocabulary of the lesson.
- Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not?
- Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
- Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?
- What keeps you awake at night? (e.g. worrying too much about stuff, your neighbors’ parties, an uncomfortable bed, a hot summer)
- Do you use, or have you ever used, any special methods that help you get to sleep?
- A strong nightcap?
- Sleeping pills?
- Herbal remedies?
- Counting sheep?
- Meditation?
- Do you ever oversleep?
- Do you need an alarm clock to wake up?
- Do you ever sleep in? (Sleep late in the morning)
- Do you fall asleep while watching the TV or reading?
- Do you have a nap at lunchtime or at another time of the day? Does it help?
12) TEXTBOOK: English Vocabulary in Use (Units 21-24)
13) Listen to five speakers and say (write) which speaker
— doesn’t usually come up with any ideas as what to do at the weekend- tries to get as muchout of weekends as is possible — doesn’t mind studying
— prefers running to seeing films
— is less active during the warm season
— is finally at home instead of going out for the weekend —
— is usually too tired to enjoy his weekends
— looks forward to the weekends
— watches sports on tv
14) Now imagine that you are Speaker 6. Talk (write) about the way you spend your weekends in a similar manner. Use some of the phrases from the audio. There can be more than one speaker for each situation.
15) TEXTBOOK: English Vocabulary in Use: Unit 21: page 60-61: read and do the exercises.
16) TEXTBOOK: Article ‘You’re Spending your Free Time Wrong’
17) Describe in detail the following using the vocabulary from Unit 21: — three activities that relaxed you when you were 5-6 years old — three activities that excited you when you were 5-6 years old — three activities that relax you now — three activities that excite you now.
18) Reading: Read the article ‘You’re Spending your Free Time Wrong’ and a) write a summary of the article b) make a multiple choice exercise based on the aricle (8 sentences) c) make a list of the useful expressions from the article.
19) Write about an ideal way of spending your holiday (in no fewer than 200 words) Use the expressions from the article. TEXTBOOK: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

20) Watch the VIDEO: Can eating fruit be bad for you? and write your opinion about the tips given in the video.
21) Watch the video ‘Can eating fruit be bad for you’ again and do the task below.

a) Are the sentences true or false?
- An apple contains about half as much sugar as a can of fizzy drink.
- Fructose is better than glucose for providing our body with energy.
- The sugar in fruit is a little different from the sugar in fizzy drinks.
- Some types of sugar don’t cause people to gain weight.
- A banana generally contains more sugar than a kiwi fruit.
- The amount of sugar in a piece of fruit decreases as it gets older.
- It is better for you if you cut fruit into little pieces before eating it.
- If we don’t eat fruit, it is impossible to get certain vitamins.
b) Write down the main points the speaker makes. c) Write if you agree with the speaker or not. (if not, what are some arguments against the point of view expressed in the video; if yes, add what you can from your own experience and knowledge). d) Were there any things you hadn’t known before you watched the video? What are they? Write them down e) Complete the sentences.
- A regular-sized soft drink contains about seven to eight … of sugar.These are chemically identical to the sugars you get in … food.
- Sugar is sugar. And you’re going to gain … if you eat too much of it.
- The … the fruit, the more sugar it contains.
- You should eat most of your fruit … .
- There is no vitamin or mineral in fruit that you can’t get from …
22) Listen to the audio. Match the speakers with the sentences summing up what the speakers are saying. There is one extra statement, find it. Speaker 1 — Statement___ Speaker 2 — Statement___ Speaker 3 — Statement___ Speaker 4 — Statement___ Speaker 5 — Statement___ A. I sometimes make a little money from my hobby. B. I was introduced to my hobby by a relative. C. My hobby’s only really fun if I do it with friends. D. My hobby helps me meet new people. E. It takes a long time to learn to do my hobby well. F. My hobby is only suitable for people who are fit. 3) Write a similar teхt about your hobby. Try to use the expressions from the audio and from the previous lessons.
23) Healthy Lifestyle Interview (VIDEO)

24) Watch the video and write out as many words and phrases on the topic ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ as you can.
25) Write out worrds and phrases from the video on the topic ‘Healthy Lifestyle’.
26) Write a comment for the video.
27) Write which points from those the woman mentions you agree with (or like) and which points you doubt (or disagree with). Give your reasons.
VIDEO: Unusual Hobbies

28) Answer the following questions in written form. Give extended answers, not just short ones.
- Do you have a hobby?
- What are your hobbies?
- How long have you had your hobby?
- Which hobbies are the most expensive?
- Which hobbies are the cheapest?
- Which hobbies cost nothing at all?
- Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?
- Is hunting a hobby or a sport in your country?
- Which hobbies are the most popular with women in your country? With men?
- Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?
- Can you think of any hobbies which are popular with children and adults?
- Do you think a hobby is different from a sport?
- Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
- Are there any dangerous hobbies?
- Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?
- Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
29) Watch the video and write whose hobby is more unusual an why (write about 150 words). 3) Write a script of the first or the second part of the video (about the mermaid or the pony fan). 4) Write 10 comprehension questions about the video (5 questions for each speaker). 5) Write out all the useful expressions to talk about free time activities. 6) Write about someone’s unusual hobby. Try to use the espressions from the video and from the previous lessons. (Write in no fewer than 250 words). 1) Answer the following questions in written form. Give extended answers, not just short ones.
- If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
- What are some good places to hang out in your town or city?
- Why are they good?
- Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?
- Would you like to have more free time?
- What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time?
- How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?
- How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?
- Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?
30) Listening. You will hear five short monologues, followed by a multiple-matching section consisting of a summary of some aspect of each. Match the speakers 1 — 5 and the statements A — F. There is one extra statement.
- I sometimes make a little money from my hobby.
- I was introduced to my hobby by a relative.
- My hobby’s only really fun if I do it with friends.
- My hobby helps me to meet people.
- It takes a long time to learn to do my hobby well.
- My hobby is only suitable for people who are fit.
31) Using the plan of the opinion essay and sample opinion essays, write an opinion essay on the following (in no fewer than 300 words): Few people devote time to hobbies nowadays. Why do you think this is the case and what effect does this have on the individual and society in general? УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ (ОПОРНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ): SPORT 2022-2023 (СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ МУРЗИНОВА И. А.)
page 11, exercise 14 «We spoke to some girls…» (AUDIO)
page 12, exercise 22 A one-minute talk by Hanna from Australia см. пример
32) How playing sport benefits your body and your brain (VIDEO)

33) video «The Rules of Basketball explained» («The object of the game…»)

37) AUDIO: Sports Gene Interview 1

38) AUDIO: Sports Gene Interview 2

39) video Challenging Exercise Ball

40) video English Idioms

42) History of the Olympics (video)

Script for the audio «We all sleep at night»

Video: Talking about Bad Habits
Video) Taliking about Work-life Balance