Лабораторное занятие 5 по теме «Еда»

Уважаемые студенты! Для выполнения лабораторной работы войдите на свою почту ______@gmail.com и перейдите на Гугл Диск. На Гугл Диске cоздайте Гугл Документ, в котором выполните задания  лабораторной работы, представленные ниже. Укажите ссылку на Гугл Документ с выполненной лабораторной работой в отчёте внизу данной страницы, кликнув зелёную кнопку «Подготовить отчёт». Также ознакомьтесь с образцом выполнения лабораторной работы: SAMPLE LABORATORY LESSON.   Laboratory Lesson 5 READING 1. Read the text and say if the following statements are true or false (according to the text).

  1. 1. Your body needs food to get energy. 
  2. Weight depends on your height and your build.
  3. The extra calories make you slim and fit. 
  4. Trying to lose a lot of weight can be dangerous. 
  5. Then multiply the correct weight (in kilograms) by 45 for a woman. 
  6. A 57-kilo woman may need about 2300 calories a day. 

Some Facts about Diet Your body needs energy, protein, minerals, vitamins and fibre. In order to get all of these it is important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to eat the right amount. Your body ‘burns’ food to get energy: the amount of energy provided by food is measured in units called calories. How many calories do you need? This depends on your weight and on what you do. When you are asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for every kilogram of weight. So a person who weighs seventy kilos uses about 560 calories while sleeping for eight hours; in other words, he needs about 1680 calories just to stay alive for 24 hours, even without doing anything. More calories are needed for different activities — from 100 calories an hour for playing football. To calculate the number of calories needed per day far an average person, first find out that person’s ideal weight. (Your ideal weight is what you should weigh. It depends on your height and your build, and it may be very different from your present weight). Then multiply the correct weight (in kilograms) by 40 for a woman, or 46 for a man. A 57-kilo woman may need about 2300 calories a day — more if she does heavy physical work or a lot of sport, less if she is very inactive. If you eat more than you need, the extra calories turn into fat: if you eat less than you need, the body burns fat to get energy and you lose weight. One way of losing weight is by dieting — eating less. Another way is to go on eating the same amount, but to increase your body’s need for energy by taking more exercise. But be careful. It is important to slim — or to start an exercise programme — gradually. Don’t try to lose a lot of weight fast. It doesn’t usually work, and it can be dangerous. What nourishing diet can you recommend for a child who has been ill?    

2. Put each of the following colloquial words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below.

the salt of the earth, a butterfingers, a piece of cake, money for jam, cup of tea, a vegetable, full of beans, nuts, peanuts, the cream, in a jam, sour grapes

1) Throw it to me! Oh, I’ve dropped it! I am _____________ . 2) I said I’d pay him today, but my money’s in the bank and it’s just closed. Now I’m __. 3) That’s a high salary for an easy job. It’s____________. 4) He never wants to do anything interesting. He just sits around all day. He’s a bit of _. 5) To me $1.000 is a lot of money, but to a millionaire it’s ____________ . 6) That firm only employs the very best graduates. They only take________ . 7) I think people who help the old, sick and homeless are_______ . 8) He’s a bit tired and lifeless now, but after a nap he’ll be ____________ . 9) She now says she didn’t really want the job that she failed to get, but I think it’s just ______ . 10) That’s a crazy idea of hers. She must be__________. 11) She likes literature and classical music. Discos are not her____________ . 12) The exam was very easy. It was___________.

3. Complete the colloquial similes below with the correct items from the following list.

mustard, beetroot, sardines, cucumber, toast, pancake, chalk and cheese, water, leaf / jelly

1. He never panics in a difficult situation. He stays as cool as a _________________ 2. She was very embarrassed. She went as red as a ________ ___________ . 3. No, we aren’t cold. Your flat’s very warm. We’re as warm as _________________ 4. There are no hills or slopes for miles around. It’s as flat as a _________________ . 5. Some students are not very interested in the subject. Others are as keen as ____ 6. John and his brother are as different as _________________ . 7. In the rush-hour buses, people are packed like ____________________. 8. I was terrified. I was shaking like a __________ _________ . 9. She’s very extravagant. She spends money like ______________________

Writing. Compose a story in which you can use at least eight of the colloquial phrases and similes from thetext and the exercises.

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