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1. Listen to the audio ‘Healthy Food’ while reading the text. Write answers to the questions below without citing whole sentences from the text (put it in your own words).
- Why didn’t the author of the article talk about food when he was a child?
- Why does he find himself talking about food all the time now being a grown up person?
- In what way, according to the article, can food be a person’s enemy?
- Why is it a bad idea to eat a piece of chocolate to perk you up?
- What food does the author recommend to eat to help preserve cognitive skills?
- What mood-boosting food, according to the article, can help to fight depression?
- What can lack of vitamins and iron lead to?
AUDIO: Healthy Food
Do we live to eat or eat to live? That is the question
I remember as a child growing up in Britain having fish and chips or baked beans on toast at least twice a week on my lap while watching my favourite cartoon. Of course I enjoyed my food but it wasn’t something I often talked about. Now, I’m not blaming my culture for my lack of interest in food at an early age. Perhaps my silence was due to the fact that I didn’t know anything about food. How many children know that prawns only turn pink when they are cooked and that tuna does not come from a can? Now after having lived in Southern Europe, Asia and Australia I find myself talking about food all the time. The world has seduced my taste buds and opened my mouth.
Food that’s plain and simple is often the best but not always so. For many of us food is a need. For others, food is a friend. Yet to some others food is an enemy. Cravings grip us at all the wrong times while we struggle to follow a strict diet that turned all our favourite desserts into mortal sins. There are others who regard food as an investment. To them, food has some kind of special powers that can control their lives, for better or for worse. If that’s the case, it’s time to change and make food work for us.
Let’s start by using food the way you would use a pencil or a pair of scissors. We begin using food as a tool. Like tools, some food works well for some tasks and some is specially designed to accomplish others.
Let’s say you’re feeling down. You had a tough day or a tiff with a best friend that drove you round the bend. You decide to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate – nothing like chocolate to perk you up. Unfortunately you’re setting yourself up for a higher dose of the blues. That’s because chocolate bars have a hefty amount of fat and sugar – which takes a long time to digest and can draw energy away from your brain – and caffeine which will temporarily boost your mood and alertness but send you crashing back down as soon as its effect starts to wear off.
Does this mean snacking is a bad idea when you’re feeling down? Not at all. You just have to do it wisely. In place of a chocolate bar, have a slice of toast with chunky marmalade. Then instead of fat and caffeine you’ve just given yourself a dose of vitamin C that has been shown to fight depression. In addition, marmalade is loaded with the type of sugar that spurs the release of mood-lifting chemicals in the brain.
In fact you can manage your mood and boost your brainpower, metabolism by eating the right food. Whatever your goals, you can custom-design a diet to help you meet them. Here’s how taking control of your food can help you take control of your life.
The next time you have an important meeting that requires mental processing, try some brain processing food that looks like this: tuna salad on whole wheat bread, green salad with tomatoes, a handful of nuts, bananas, a glass of skimmed milk. Tuna, bananas, nuts and whole wheat bread are high in vitamin B6, which has been scientifically proven to help preserve cognitive skills. Protein-rich food contains a nutrient called Tyrosine, which studies have shown, are linked to clear thinking and alertness. Greens such as broccoli and spinach naturally contain loads of vitamins and iron. Lack of these nutrients can lead to fatigue and difficulty in concentrating.
Having said all that, let’s not be too stressed about what we eat. Many scientists these days believe that indulging in life’s little pleasures may actually help improve your health because of the psychological lift it gives you. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’.
2. Do the following multiple choice exercise based on the text.
Multiple choice. Read the following sentence beginnings and select the right endings.
1. The writer…
a. …knew a lot about food when he was a child.
b. …believes travelling has helped him to understand food more.
c. …talked about food all the time when he was a child.
2. In his childhood the writer used to eat fish and chips or baked beans on toast…
a. …regularly with his family at the table.
b. …and watch television at the same time.
c. …less than twice a week.
3. The writer believes that chocolate…
a. …gives energy to the brain.
b. …makes you more intelligent.
c. …takes energy away from the brain.
4. The writer believes snacking…
a. …makes you depressed.
b. …is better than eating a full meal.
c. …is not always bad for you.
5. The writer believes managing your own food can…
a. …help you to control other people.
b. …control your life.
c. …help you achieve your goals.
6. Tyrosine is…
a. …found in rich food.
b. …found in food with a lot of protein.
c. …a kind of nut.
7. The writer says that caffeine…
a. …can help you to become more alert throughout the day.
b. …makes you immediately depressed.
c. …is a short term measure to make you feel good.
8. The writer mentions that scientists believe that…
a. …we should always be concerned about what we eat.
b. …eating the wrong food can cause stress.
c. …the pleasure we get from eating food may help you to feel better
3. Listen to the audio again, mark the intonation of the first two paragraphs of the text as in the given example and practice reading the first two paragraphs of the text.
ˈDo we ˈlive to /eat | or ˈeat to \live? || ˈThat is the \question ||
ˈI reˈmember as a \/child | ˈgrowing ˈup in \Britain | ˈhaving ˈfish and /chips | or ˈbaked ˈbeans on /toast | at ˈleast ˈtwice a ˈweek on my /lap | while ˈwatching my ˈfavourite car\toon.|| Of ˈcourse I enˈjoyed my /food, | but it ˈwasn’t ˈsomething I ˈoften \talked about.||
Intonation marks:
‘ – фразовое ударение (на ударные слова, являющиеся знаменательными частями речи — существительными, прилагательными, наречиями, а также на некоторые местоимения)
↑ — фразовое ударение выражено сильнее, чем у остальных слов, выделяемых фразовым ударением
| — пауза внутри предложения, отделяющая синтагмы, содержащие ядерный тон
|| — более длинная пауза в конце предложения
LF — низкий восходящий ядерный тон
LR — низкий нисходящий ядерный тон
HF — высокий нисходящий тон
4. Make an audio recording of the first two paragraphs of the text (use Online Voice Recorder). Write the link to your audio file in the google doc.
5. Write out of the text ‘Do we live to eat or eat to live? That is the question’ 10-12 useful expressions to talk about eating habits.
Example — to have fish and chips or baked beans on toast
6. Write an opinion essay (250-300 words) “Do we Have Healthy Diets?” about eating habits in Russia.
TEXTBOOKS: ‘MEALS’AUDIO: Dialogue ‘The Smiths are having breakfast’AUDIO: FOOD
AUDIO:A COOKING DISASTER 1) Listen to the AUDIO: A COOKING DISASTER and do the task in the TEXTBOOK: page 11, exercise 12-13. 2) Language practice: Answer the questions in writing. Give more extended answers. Try to use more advanced vocabulary, try to use the appropriate language, neither too simple, nor too formal.
Problems when cooking Sentences
VIDEO: How to make the perfect omelette Watch the video and say what are Paul’s tips and tricks of making an omelette. Do you cook an omelette in a different way? What’s the difference? Write down the useful phrases to talk about cooking.
VIDEO: Can eating fruit be bad for you? Homework:1) Language practice: TEXTBOOK: page 9-11, exercise 10-11 2) Watch the video ‘Can eating fruit be bad for you’ and do the task below.
a) Are the sentences true or false?
- An apple contains about half as much sugar as a can of fizzy drink.
- Fructose is better than glucose for providing our body with energy.
- The sugar in fruit is a little different from the sugar in fizzy drinks.
- Some types of sugar don’t cause people to gain weight.
- A banana generally contains more sugar than a kiwi fruit.
- The amount of sugar in a piece of fruit decreases as it gets older.
- It is better for you if you cut fruit into little pieces before eating it.
- If we don’t eat fruit, it is impossible to get certain vitamins.
b) Write down the main points the speaker makes. c) Were there any things you hadn’t known before you watched the video? What are they? Write them down. d) Write if you agree with the speaker or not. (if not, what are some arguments against the point of view expressed in the video; if yes, add what you can from your own experience and knowledge). e) Make as list of useful phrases from the video. f) Complete the sentences.
- A regular-sized soft drink contains about seven to eight … of sugar.These are chemically identical to the sugars you get in … food.
- Sugar is sugar. And you’re going to gain … if you eat too much of it.
- The … the fruit, the more sugar it contains.
- You should eat most of your fruit … .
- There is no vitamin or mineral in fruit that you can’t get from …
1)Have you ever had a poor quality dish served? Give more details. 2) Watch the video and write the main steps for each recipe.
Watch the video and write the main steps of the recipe. Write all the usefu words and phrases on the topic ‘Meals’ in the comments below.
Watch the videos and write out all the useful words and phrases on the topic ‘Meals’. Publish them in the comments below.
Watch the video and make a multiple choice exercise for other students. Publish your exercise in the comments below.
2) Write down all the steps in making the cookies in this video in the comments below. 3) Write out all the useful words and phrases from the video. Publish them in the comments below. 4) LABORATORY LESSON 6 (optional) Watch the video ‘How to Cook Perfect Meat Pies’ and write out: a) all the ingredients; b) all the steps; c) some important tips; d) all the useful words and phrases on the topic ‘Meals’.
5) Do LABORATORY LESSON 7 Watch the video and a) write a summary of the video; b) write out all the words and phrases on the topic ‘Meals’; c) make a multiple choice exercise (with 6-8 statements or questions) based on the video.
5) Write a script (only!) for a presentation ‘Traditional Russian Meals’ (in no fewer than 350 words). Try to use the vocabulary you have studied so far. Use The Phrases for a Succsessful Presentation. 6) LABORATORY LESSON 8