ПОСОБИЕ ‘DO WELL IN ENGLISH’, 2-е издание ИНТОНАЦИЯ (стр. 279-302)
Уважаемые студенты, скрипты к аудиозаписям, представленным ниже, и задания к ним вы найдёте в разделе «ПРАКТИКУМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ИНТОНАЦИИ» учебного пособия И. А. Мурзиновой «Do Well in English», 2-е издание (стр. 279-335)
стр. 283:
65.1 The Ritz is a very expensive hotel
стр. 284:
66.2 Things are getting better
стр. 286:
Ω Listen and read paying special attention to the intonation patterns you’ve learned so far.
Hello! My name is Rob Fellows. I come from Dundee, a town on the east coast of Scotland, but I am a student at Durham University, in the north of England. I am studying French and German and I can speak the languages quite well. I also know a little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I’m enjoying the course a lot, but it is very hard work.
стр. 287:
стр. 290:
стр. 291:
70.6 It’s ten minutes to seven
стр. 292:
70.7.9 They have only one child
70.10 Bath is a very old city in England
стр. 297:
71.4 Low Fall, Mid Level (in direct speech) A request Could you phone a doctor? (video)
стр. 298:
стр. 299:
71.10.1 Low Fall Thank you (video)
стр. 302:
стр. 303:
стр. 307:
73.2.2 Are you coming with us (video)
73.2.3 Fall Rise Are you ready to go (video)
73.2.4 Inside the cottage (video)
73.2.5 I think I know the answer (video)
73.2.6 Would you like to come round (video)
стр. 308:
стр. 309:
стр. 310:
стр. 311:
стр. 312:
76.3 What a lovely day (Special questions)
стр. 314:
77.1 Intonation for Offering Alternatives (video)
77.3.1 Intonation of tag questions (video)
стр. 315:
77.3.2 Intonation of tag questions: Low Fall and Low Rise: (video)
77.4 Intonation of tag questions: Low Fall (video)
77.5 This is Wednesday, isn’t it?
стр. 317:
78.3 Are you going to talk to him?
стр. 318:
стр. 320:
79.1 Let’s order a curry tonight (video)
стр. 321:
стр. 322:
80.1 High Rise (lecture with examples)
стр. 325:
стр. 326:
81.4 Earnest is the first year
стр. 327:
81.8 Call back later (Fall Rise divided)
81.9 May I have a look (Fall Rise undivided)
стр. 328:
81.10 What time are we meeting?
стр. 329:
81.12 Maybe we could have dinner
стр. 330:
81.13 Meg’s got a new boyfriend
стр. 331:
82.1 Rise Fall dialogue Do you know how old this umbrella is (video)
стр. 332:
83.1 Midlevel I’m going to the store (video)
83.2 Midlevel How are you today Gran he asks
стр. 334:
84.1 Parenthesis My brother in law Henry
стр. 337:
85.1.1 I like it here she thinks
85.1.4 Are you okay Your face is a bit pink
85.1.6 That’s it for today she thinks
85.1.7 Are you alright dear she says
85.1.8 Oh can I help you she says
85.1.9 At the apartment Gran says Come in dear
85.1.10 What a nice girl Gran thinks
85.1.11 I’m having a party on Saturday she says
85.1.12 Come to my party on Saturday James
85.1.13 Hi Vicky says james Meet my friends
85.1.14 I’m sorry Vicky says Anna
85.1.15 How are you today Gran he asks
85.1.16 Where are you going Tom says Will
For Self-Study:
123.4 THE RED ROSES (TEXT PDF) p. 457
Red Roses Chapter 1 (Audio) DWE: ex. 4, p. 457
Red Roses. Chapter 2 (Audio) DWE: ex. 6, p. 467
Red roses. Chapter 3 (Audio), DWE: ex. 7, p. 469
84.19 I guess he is a very wealthy man
84.20 Emphatic stress to express enthusiasm
Lecture 1 Intonation Patterns in English
Lecture 2 Intonation Patterns used for Specific Functions
Lecture 3 Form and Function of Intonation