1. a)Listen to the recording while reading the script below. Copy the script from the picture. Mark the stresses and tunes. Use the given intonation marks. (The first sentence has been marked for you.) Then listen again and practice reading the text trying to copy the intonation of the speaker. b) Make a recording of the text and add the link to your audio file to the google document that will be attached to this page. Intonation marks: ‘ – фразовое ударение (на ударные слова, являющиеся знаменательными частями речи — существительными, прилагательными, наречиями, а также на некоторые местоимения) ↑ — фразовое ударение выражено сильнее, чем у остальных слов, выделяемых фразовым ударением | — пауза внутри предложения, отделяющая синтагмы, содержащие ядерный тон || — более длинная пауза в конце предложения / — низкий восходящий ядерный тон \ — низкий нисходящий ядерный тон Example: Ja’pan has ↑by ↑far the ‘highest ‘number of ‘vending ma’chines ‘per / person | in the \world.|| In \fact,| it has…. Script for ‘Vending Machines in Japan’ (LISTEN TO THE AUDIO) Japan has by far the highest number of vending machines per person in the world. In fact it has 5.6 million — that’s one vending machine for every 20 people. These machines sell all sorts of things, from coffee to bananas, flowers and umbrellas. In a busy society, they play an important role. It’s much cheaper for sellers to run a vending machine than a shop. And customers can buy things more quickly and easily from a machine than in a shop. And we’re not talking here just about drinks and cold snacks. Japan also has vending machines that serve hot food, like instant noodles. Japanese students love curry and rice, it’s one of the most popular meals there, and, sure enough, you can get it from a machine. The meal comes out of the machine hot and ready to eat. It’s more convenient than cooking at home. But is curry and rice from a machine as good as curry and rice from a restaurant? Our reporter Luke went to central Tokyo to find out. LUKE: Okay, I’ve just put my 300 yen into the vending machine, and I’m waiting for my curry and rice to appear. Hmm, it’s taking a bit longer than I imagined. OK, so my meal is here. I just have to open the packet of steamed rice. Hmm… the curry smells, well, it smells OK, like a lot of instant curries. Right, let me go and find somewhere to sit down and try it. OK, this will do. Well, this is fine. It’s actually much better than I expected. What can I say? I think it might be the best vending machine meal I’ve ever eaten! For 300 yen — that’s less than two pounds — I can’t really complain. But I think next time I’ll spend a bit more and go to a proper restaurant. 2. Find some information about the differences between other — another — more.Read this information. Then choose the right word. 1. Give me … pencil, this one is too small. 2. Give me … glass of water, I am … thirsty. 3. Give me some … water, please. 4. We need … time for the translation, I am afraid. 5. Will you give me some … milk? 6. He asks for … apple. . 7. Could you give me … apples? 8. Let me have some … pudding, it is very tasty. 9. Help yourself to some … pie. 10. Help yourself to … piece of pie. 11.This one’s too big. Do you have it in … sizes? . 12. I should like to have some … salad. 13. You’ve met Linda, but I have another sister who you haven’t met, called Margaret. 14. Would you like … cup of coffee? 15. I don’t like the red one. I prefer the … colour. 16. I don’t like this place. Is there another café around here we could go to? 17. The students need … practice in these words. 18. She is going to buy some … milk. 19. Try to get … books on English literature. 20. May I have … ticket to the Bolshoi Theatre? 21. Will you please give me some… porridge? 22. This computer here is new. The other computer is about five years old. 23. Joel and Karen are here, but where are the other kids? 24. The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to another. 3. Use the correct preposition. 1. Will you wait … me, I’ll come … a minute. 2. Are you ready … the answer? 3. “Have some fruit.” “… pleasure.” 4. Help yourself … some fruit, please. 5. I prefer an apple … ice-cream. 6. The children are ready… breakfast. They are waiting … their father. 7. Let’s have some herring to begin …. 8. What do you say … an ice-cream? 9. As … me, I prefer a piece of cake … sweets. 10. A waitress is coming … our table. What shall we order? 11. The pudding is … your taste, I hope. 12. Going to the river is … the question, it’s too cold to bathe today. 13. Father usually comes … home … time. 14. We must pay the waitress the dinner. 15. I’m fond .. vegetables and meat. 4. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with the names of meals. 1. What shall we have for … dessert today? 2. Let’s go to … canteen and have… bite. 3…. cucumbers and … tomatoes are … vegetables. 4. I don’t like … mineral water, I prefer … cup of… tea. 5. Pass me … butter, please. 6. … water, … milk, tea and … coffee are drinks. 7. Is there anything to your taste on … menu? 8. Will you bring … knife from … kitchen? 9. Only after … second course he felt he was not hungry any longer. 10. Is pudding to your taste? 11. They sat down to … table and began eating. 12. It was … stewed-fruit and … ice-cream to follow. … ice-cream was rather melted. 13. We have … breakfast at 8. 14. When … lunch was over they went upstairs to rest a little. 15. We all agreed that it was … very pleasant dinner. 16. It is not good to smoke before … breakfast. 17. Nobody objected to … light supper. 18. At… dinner we sat far from each other and could not talk. 19. All that made … excellent breakfast. 20. When I came down to . .. tea all had already gone. 21. …. dinner was marvellous. 22. She was not sure whether she should order… supper herself. 23. It all happened at… official luncheon. 24. When … dinner was over she decided to talk with him. 25. As for …supper itself it was … very tasty one. 26. For … breakfast was bacon and eggs and coffee. 27. We must organize … little dinner to celebrate the event. 28. If you come half an hour before … supper you will always find him at home. 29. After … dinner sit a while, after … supper walk a mile. 30. That night we had … lonely little dinner. 31. She came down to … breakfast. 32. I will speak to him at… dinner. 5. Read the theory and to exercise 19, page 22 choosing for translation only sentences where the present perfect should be used. Настоящее совершённое (теория) из Крылова, И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка = A Grammar of Present-day English Practical Course : учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 12-е изд. — М. : Кн. дом «Университет», 2006. — 443 с. — ISBN 5-98227-103-9; 106 экз. : 65-00.Настоящее совершённое (упражнения) из Крылова, И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка = A Grammar of Present-day English Practical Course : учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 12-е изд. — М. : Кн. дом «Университет», 2006. — 443 с. — ISBN 5-98227-103-9; 106 экз. : 65-00. Уважаемые студенты! 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