Как писать сочинение-выражение мнения

To write an opinion essay, use the plan of the opinion essay and sample opinion essays

Following the Plan of the Opinion Essay given on the page ‘Structuring Your Speech’, write an argumentative essay (opinion essay) in no fewer than 300 words based on the following title statement: Some people believe that being a good and sympathetic person is first andforemost in the teaching profession while training and skill and knowledge come second. Do you agree with this opinion?

Use the vocabulary from the texts under study (no fewer than 10 phrases).

Do not write your text in Russian first and then translate into English!!! Such texts are very unnatural, and there are no expressions under study in them, so your mark will be low.!!!!!!!!! Do not copypaste sentences from the internet!!!!!!!! To make sure your essay will be marked (graded), check the information below. Уважаемые студенты, текст вашего эссе будет проверен на уникальность на этом сайте: https://content-watch.ru/text/Проверьте своё эссе перед отправкой, уникальность должна быть не ниже 90%.

PLEASE DO NOT JUST COPYPASTE WHOLE SENTENCES FROM ESSAYS ON THE INTERNET (for example, from this site: https://writing9.com/text/602ae68368fceb0018c42203-some-people-believe-that-having-sport-in-schools-is-a)!

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