Фрагмент фильма «Патриот» на английском языке (эпизод 3)

BORDON: Sir, we have the private the Cherokee scouts brought here.
PRIVATE: Private.
BORDON: Colonel William Tavington, Green Dragoons.
TAVINGTON: What happened? Who did this?
PRIVATE: Him. It was mad. I couldn’t tell you who it was.
TAVINGTON: Calm down. Calm down. Twenty of His Majesty’s soldiers are dead. And I need to know how.
BORDON: He said there was…
TAVINGTON: Were you there? Then let him speak. Take your time and tell me. How many were there? Were they militia? Were they regulars?
PRIVATE: I don’t really remember how many. Maybe one.
TAVINGTON: One man. Really?
PRIVATE: He was in the flank. All around us. Amongst us. I could barely see him. He was there, then he was gone.
TAVINGTON: He just vanished. Sounds like a ghost than a man.
PRIVATE: Yes, a ghost. He was like a ghost.
TAVINGTON: Enough. Bordon? Take a patrol. See if we can capture this ghost before word of his exploits spread. Who’s this?
BORDON: Sir, this is Captain Wilkins. He was with the Loyalist Colonial Militia. I thought he might be of use.
TAVINGTON: Another colonial. Tell me, Captain Wilkins, where do your loyalties lie?
WILKINS: To King and Country, sir.
TAVINGTON: Why should I trust a man who’d betray his neighbors?
WILKINS: Those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve to die a traitor’s death.
TAVINGTON: We’ll see.

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