Лабораторная работа по теме «Спорт»

  1. Watch the video The Rules of Basketball Explained (starting from the beginning up to the words “Wow, that was the shortest video ever!”) and take some notes of the vocabulary (for each point of the given plan). (If you are struggling with understanding the videos, you can use the scripts below.)

1) the number of players and their “roles” (write a few useful phrases)

2) how the game starts (write a few useful phrases)

3) the game time (write a few useful phrases)

4) the object of the game (write a few useful phrases)

5) the area for playing the sports game (write a few useful phrases)

6) some of the basic rules (write a few useful phrases)

7) violations, what is not allowed to do during the game (write a few useful phrases)

8) how to win the game (write a few useful phrases)


Script for “The Rules of Basketball explained” (Part One)
The object of the game is for your team to score more points than the opposing team. Teams are made up of 15 players, with 5 players on the basketball court at any one time. They consist of two forwards, two guards and a center.

The game starts with a tip off. Once someone has won possession of the ball, they have up to 24 seconds to shoot the ball towards the opponent’s basket. These baskets are 10 feet above the ground on a court that’s generally about 94ft long by 50ft wide (in the NBA), and varies depending on where you play.

To move the ball up the court, you can either pass the ball to a teammate … or dribble the ball, where you bounce the ball up and down repeatedly whilst in motion.

To score points, a player must shoot the ball into the opponents’ basket. You get two points for any shots scored within this arc. If a player scores from a shot outside this arc, this scores three points. Any free throws that are awarded to your team scores 1 point. Failure to shoot the ball within 24 seconds results in a shot clock violation, and the other team is awarded possession of the ball. The opposing team will try and take the ball off you by either blocking shots, rebounding a missed shot, or by stealing the ball away from an opposing player so that they can score themselves.

The game is played in 4 x 12 minute quarters in the NBA, 4 x 10 minute quarters Internationally, or 2 x 20 minute halves in NCAA. The highest score at the
end of time wins.

There are no ties in Basketball, so if the scores are tied at the end of
regulation, overtime periods will be played to determine the winner.
Wow, that was the shortest video ever!

Script for the video “The Rules of Basketball explained” (Part Two)
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Whilst basketball is an easy game to
understand, I’ve just explained the basic concept of the game.

There are a lot of things in basketball that you’re not allowed to do. So to
make it easy for you to understand, there are generally two types of things you
can’t do: violations and fouls.

Violations are generally called when you break one of the rules. The main
violations include:

Shot clock violation – as earlier stated, your team has 24 seconds in which to
shoot the ball. If you’ve not shot the ball within this time, a shot-clock violation is
called and the ball is awarded to the other team.

Double dribble – In basketball, you are only allowed to dribble the ball and
stop once. If a player then begins to dribble again, this is known as double dribble,
and the ball is awarded to the other team.

Travelling – If a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball, this is
travelling, and (surprise surprise) the ball is awarded to the other team.
Three in the key – A player cannot stay in the key, which is this section of the
court, for more than three seconds.

Charging – A violation in which an attacking players runs into a stationary
defender. Possession of the ball is then awarded to the defending team.
There are other violations that I’ve included a brief description of here, but
the ones I previously mentioned are the ones you’re most likely to encounter in the

Eight-Second Violation – After a basket, the offensive team has eight seconds
to get the ball over midcourt.

Palming – A violation in which a player moves his hand under the ball and
scoops it while dribbling.

Goaltending – When a defensive player interferes illegally with a shot on the
rim or on a downward path to the hoop; the shot is assumed in and the offensive
team receives the basket.

Basket interference – Interfering with the basket rim during a shot.
Back-Court Violation — Touching the ball in the backcourt after it has entered
the frontcourt and was not last touched by the other team.

Fouls are the most complicated thing to understand in basketball, but I’ll try
and explain this in the easiest way I know how.

Personal fouls occur when a player commits illegal contact against another player. Imagine two players, an attacking player with the ball, and a defending player without the ball. Now imagine two giant cylinders that surround them that extend from the floor to the ceiling. Neither of those two players is allowed to encroach into each other’s cylindrical space. If an attacking player makes contact with a defender in his space, then it’s called an offensive foul against the attacker.

If a defender makes contact with an attacker in his space, then it’s called a
defensive foul against the defender.

Any foul in the act of shooting results in free throws being awarded to the
attacking team.

Two shots for fouls inside the arc and three shots for fouls outside the arc. If the shot went in and the shooter was fouled, the points they scored count and they are awarded one extra shot. Any team that commits 5 or more fouls in any quarter will have free throws awarded against them per subsequent foul, and Any one player who has racked up 5 fouls (internationally) or 6 fouls in the NBA is fouled out – and can no longer participate in the rest of the game.

Flagrant Fouls
Flagrant fouls are severe fouls that occur when a player has made violent
contact against another player. This always results in the other team being awarded
two free throws.

Technical fouls – Are fouls that don’t fit the description of either a personal or
flagrant foul. Technical fouls can be awarded for fighting, unsportsmanlike
conduct, or abuse from players and coaches against referees. Two technical fouls
equals an automatic ejection from the game.

This is a lot to take in, especially understanding how the fouls work, but as
you watch or play basketball, the rules will become clear.

If you have found this video at all helpful, please like, share with your
friends, rate and comment. If you’re also on Reddit, please post this video and
discuss. It takes me ages to make one of these videos and good karma is always

Enjoy basketball!

  1. Watch the video Basketball Rules for Beginners and write 8-10 basketball terms and their definitions.

Script for the Video “Basketball Rules for Beginners”
Basketball is a team sport of up to fifteen players with only five allowed on
the court at any time. Each team consists of two forwards, two guards and one
center player.

The basketball game starts with a jump ball or tip-off. The referee throws the
ball into the air in the center circle and one player from each team leaps up and
tries to tap the ball away. The game time is split up into four twelve-minute
quarters. The object of the game is to throw the ball into the hoop to score points.

Basketball court
The court is divided into two main sections by the middle court line. The
court is rectangular in shape and measures ninety one feet long by fifty feet wide.
There is a half way line in which a small circle is found in the center. This is where
the game starts. At each end of the court are two baskets, both ten feet in height. A
three-point arc is in the outside ring. In the middle of the outside ring is the key
which includes a free throw line.

Basketball basic rules
Each team can have a maximum of five players on the court at a time. Teams
can substitute players as many times as they wish throughout the game. Players
cannot kick the ball. Players cannot dribble or hit the ball with their fist. Players
cannot double dribble the ball. Players cannot hold the ball and stay in the back
court that contains their basket for more than eight seconds. Players cannot step on
a foul line while free throwing the ball. Players cannot step on the end or side line
while passing the ball to a teammate. Players cannot throw the ball out of the court
boundaries. The ball must say within the boundaries. If the team loses the ball out
of bounds, the other team gets control of the basketball. After the ball goes into
team stuff and they win possession back, the ball must then make it back over the
half line within ten seconds. If the ball fails to do so then a foul would be called
and the ball will be turned over.

Dribbling the ball
The ball can only be moved by either dribbling or passing the ball. The player
must dribble the ball with one hand while moving both feet. If at any time both
hands touch the ball or the player stops dribbling the player must only move one
foot. Once a player puts two hands on the ball, not including catching the ball, they
cannot then dribble or move with the ball, and the ball must be passed or shot.

Double dribbling
Once any player has stopped dribbling, they cannot start another dribble right
away. This is called for a double dribbling violation and in this case the other team
gains control of the ball. A player can only start another dribble after another
player from either team touches or gains control of the basketball. This is usually
after a shot or pass.

Carrying the ball
The player’s hand must be on top of the ball while dribbling. If they touch the
bottom of the ball while dribbling and continue to dribble, this is called “Carrying
the ball”. The player will lose the ball to the other team.

Backcourt violation
Once the attacking team crosses the half court they may not go back into the
back court. This is called a backcourt violation. If the defensive team knocks the
basketball into the back court, then the attacking team can recover the ball legally.

If a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball is called
“Travelling”. If this happened the ball is then turned over to the opposition.

Three in the key
A player cannot stay in the key, which is this section of the court, for more
than three seconds. This is called “Three seconds in the ley violation”.

Shot clock violation
One a player has possession of the ball the player has twenty four seconds to
shoot towards the opponent’s basket. Failing to shoot the ball within twenty four
seconds results in a “Shot clock violation”. The ball is then turned over to the

If a team or player violates any of the rules, the team loses the ball and the
ball is handed over to the opponent team. The opponent team throws in from the
sideline. This is called a “Throw-in”.

No player can touch the basketball while it’s traveling downward towards the
basket or if it’s on the ring. This is called “Goaltending”. After each successful
basket the ball is then turned over to the opposition.

Charging violation
A charge, or player-control foul, occurs when a dribbler charges into a
defender who has already established his position. This is called “Charging
violation”. The ball is then turned over to the opposition.

Free throw
Bounds committed throughout the game will be accumulated and then, when
reached a certain number, will be eventually rewarded as a “Free throw”. The
player who’s against the foul was committed takes the shot unopposed from the
free throw line. The number of free throws will depend on where the foul was

There are three scoring numbers for basketball players. Any basket scored
from outside of the three-point arc will result in three points being scored. Baskets
scored within the three-point arc will result in two points being scored. Successful
three throws will result in one point being scored per free throw.

How to win the game
The team that scores more points in the allotted game time will win the game.

If the scores are tied at the end, then an extra quarter will be played until the
winner is found.

If you like the video, hit the “Like” button and don’t forget to subscribe to our
Youtube channel.

  1. Complete the exercise using the causative  (have/get something done) and the phrase in the brackets.

1)) John’s made an appointment at the embassy for next Monday.
John’s  …… next Monday. (renew his visa)

2)) Builders checked our roof after the storm.
We ………. after the storm. (check out our roof)

3)) Some bricklayers are building a wall for our neighbours.
Our neighbours are ……….  (build a wall)

4)) My brother is going to the dentist next week. The dentist is going to pull my brother’s tooth out.
My brother is ……. next week. (pull out his tooth)

5)) An electrician installed a burglar alarm for us in October.
We ….. in October. (install a burglar alarm)

6)) The doctors removed David’s tonsils when he was eleven.
David …… when he was eleven. (remove his tonsils)

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