Ann Meets her Class (ARAKIN, 3rd Year, Unit 1)

  1. Read the text Ann Meets her Class (ARAKIN, 3rd Year, Unit 1) and answer the questions from exercise VI (see also below). Attach the link to your google doc with answers (attached to this page, see below or use the link:

VI. Answer these questions:

  1. How was Anne introduced to her class? 2. What did she feel at that moment? What words does the author choose to describe her feelings? 3. What instructions did the headmistress give to the young teacher? What do you think of them? 4. Why did Anne «look with fresh interest at Arnold?» Describe Arnold’s appearance and behaviour. 5. How did the other children behave in Miss Enderby’s presence? (Find words describing their behaviour.) 6. Why do you think «there came a faint sigh of relief» after Miss Enderby left the classroom? Describe the children’s behaviour after she left. 7. What advice given to her at college did Anne remember? Did she follow the advice? What was the result? Why did the children behave like that? 8. How did Anne restore the order? Do you think it was the only way out? 9. Comment on the words: «Anne’s self-esteem crept back».
  2. Do the TEST ‘Ann Meets Her Class’, make a screenshot of the rating table with your name and result
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