Фразы для анализа статьи (английский язык)

The article under the title (the name) …is taken from …

It is written by …

This article deals with …, is devoted to …

At the beginning the author describes, explains, introduces, analyses, gives a revue of …, comments on, enumerates, points out …

From the article we learn that …

(Saying all these) the author raises the problem …

The problem raised by the author is very serious / acute / pressing …

The problem of the article is rather complicated / delicate …

The article tackles the problem of …

Treating the problem the author points out that …/ exposes / describes / considers that …

At the end the author comes to the conclusion that …

I found the article up-to-date / urgent / topical / dull /of no value / of no importance …

I can’t but agree with the author that …

In my opinion …

As far as I know, understand, remember …

For all I know …

First of all, to begin with …

The thing (point) is …

On the one hand …, on the other hand …

Summing it up …, on the whole (in short …)

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