Составляем монолог на английском языке на тему «My Cooking Disaster»

Let me tell you about the time I attempted a «healthy» cooking experiment that turned into a cooking disaster. I was going to throw a birthday party, so I decided to do my speciality dish — pineapple cake with whipped cream. Unfortunately, I found out that I’d forgotten to buy tinned pineapples which was the basic ingredient. As I didn’t have time for shopping (the guests were going to arrive in an hour and a half or so) I decided to try out a new recipe of a vanilla cake, that I had come across online recently. I was feeling inspired and was convinced that I had found the perfect recipe,  so I eagerly put in the effort to prepare it.

Excited to share my creation, I carefully selected fresh produce and organic ingredients.

Describe how you cooked it.

I invited my friends over to try it on them. I was sure I’d made a lovely meal. As I served it up with a smile on my face, little did I know what awaited us. The first bite revealed the truth — it was absolutely inedible because I’d put double the amount of vanilla in. As a result the cake blew your head off when you were trying to even smell it let alone take a taste of it. It was absolutely disgusting. The flavors clashed in a chaotic symphony of confusion, leaving us all in disbelief.

My friends tried to be polite, but their faces said it all. It was a complete flop.
On the other hand, I could not believe what I had created. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.

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