Лабораторное занятие 4 по теме «Еда»

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1. You are going to read a text about what British people eat and when. What do you want to know? Write some questions.

Examples: 1) What do they have for breakfast? 2) Do they have hot food in pubs? 3) Do they eat a lot of fish?

2. Read the text and say if your questions have been answered. If not, find answers yourself from various sources.


The first meal of the day in the morning is breakfast (usually eaten between about 7:30 and 9:00). A traditional English breakfast (also known as a cooked breakfast or a fry-up) is a very big cooked meal which may contain food such as sausages, bacon, kippers (herring — a type of fish — which has been covered in salt and smoked), black pudding, scrambled or fried or poached egg, mushrooms, fried tomatoes, baked beans, hash browns and toast. People sometimes eat a boiled egg, dipping (dunking) strips of toast (soldiers) into the egg yolk. Nowadays many people eat a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar; for example, cornflakes or muesli with milk, or porridge (a mixture of oats, hot milk and sugar). Some just have toast with butter, marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges), jam (often strawberry, raspberry, apricot or blackcurrant jam), honey, or Marmite (a dark brown spread made from yeast). The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Melon, grapefruit or fruit cocktails are also popular. A continental breakfast is a small meal and is not cooked; for example, a bread roll or croissant with cheese or ham and a cup of coffee. The most common drinks at this time of day are orange juice or a cup of breakfast tea. Many people have a tea-break at about 11:00 in the morning (elevenses). If a meal is eaten in the late morning instead of both breakfast and lunch, it is called brunch. Lunch (sometimes called more formally luncheon) is the meal eaten in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat a sandwich (also known as a butty or sarnie in some parts of the UK). Some people have a simple meal such as cheese and biscuits or soup and bread. A ploughman’s lunch is a traditional lunch for farmers: a bread roll, Cheddar cheese, Branston pickle and salad, perhaps with a pork pie. It is also traditional for people to go to a pub with some friends for a pub lunch and a drink. A Sunday roast is a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime; for example, roast beef with roast potatoes, parsnips, peas, Brussels sprouts, green beans, Yorkshire pudding, bread sauce and gravy. Mint sauce or redcurrant jelly is often eaten with lamb, apple sauce with pork, and horseradish sauce (a type of mustard) with beef, cranberry sauce with turkey. Stuffing may be eaten with chicken or turkey. Tea-time is a small meal eaten in the late afternoon (usually between about 3:30 and 5:00). People may drink tea, and often eat biscuits (American English: cookies), cakes or savoury foods such as sandwiches, crumpets or tea-cakes. Occasionally people may have a full afternoon tea or a cream tea: this includes a scone with jam and cream as well as a selection of sandwiches and cakes. High tea is a light meal eaten in the early evening (for example, 6 o’clock) served with a pot of tea; this is popular in north England and Scotland. Supper is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening (usually between 7:00 and 8:30). Dinner is another common name for supper, but sometimes it is also used to refer to lunch, especially when this is the main meal of the day. A dinner party is a formal evening meal to which guests have been invited. A common type of cooked meal in Britain is meat and two veg*. This is a meat dish served together on the same plate with two types of vegetable, one of which is often a type of potato. It is common to eat a dessert (a pudding) after the main dish. It is increasingly popular for British people get a takeaway or go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home, and often this is used as a chance to try different types of food. Most towns have an Indian restaurant, serving foods such as curry and chicken tikka masala. Chinese restaurants are also very common; popular dishes include sweet and sour pork and aromatic duck. Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes. Fast food restaurants often serve beefburgers or fried chicken. Fish and chip shops are still popular, especially in towns by the coast. There is an old tradition of eating fish on Friday. British people enjoy eating snacks between meals. These include sweets (American English: candy) and crisps (American English: chips).

* — meat and two veg /vedʒ/ (British informal) a traditional type of meal, often found in Britain, which is basic and slightly boring, usually a piece of meat and twovegetables: The food is very much meat and two veg — you won’t find any of your fancy French cuisine here.

3. Wtite out 10-15 useful words and phrases from the text.

4. Write 8 questions of all types (Yes / No questions, Wh-questions, alternative questions, tag-questions) about the text using the words and phrases you have written out. In pairs answer each other’s questions with your fellow-student.

5. On the Internet find three recipes for unusual dishes from the text.

6. Write a plan of the text “British Food and Drink”.

7. Match the containers or (and) the quantities in the left-hand column with the kinds of food in the right-hand column.

1. a bottle 2. a bar 3. a box 4. a grain 5. a jar 6. a loaf 7. a packet 8. a lump 9. a tin 10. a drop 11. a slice 12. a dozen

a) chocolates b) crisps c) sardines d) milk e) jam f) eggs g) water i) chocolate j) cake k) rice I) sugar m) bread

More exercises

1. How would you normally serve these different kinds of liquid refreshment? Match the container with the liquid.

1. a bowl 2. a cup 3. a glass 4. a mug 5. a tankard of

a) wine b) beer c) soup d) tea e) cocoa

2. Match these traditional combinations on the right which go with the words on the left.

1. bacon 2. bread 3. cheese 4. fish 5. toast and

a) biscuits b)eggs c) marmalade d) butter e) chips

3. Match the idioms with their meaning.

1) the salt of the earth 2) a butterfingers 3) a piece of cake 4) a vegetable 5) money for jam 6) not be sb’s cup of tea 7) to be full of beans 8) to be nuts 9) (to work for) peanuts 10) the cream 11) a jam 12) sour grapes  

a) not be the type of thing of that you like b) the best of a particular group of things or people c) something that is easy to do d) a difficult situation e) to be silly, stupid, or strange f) a person who drops things they are carrying or trying to catch g) money you get for doing something very easy h) to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm i) a very good and honest person j) used when a person is angry because they have not got or achieved something that theywanted: k) a person who does not do anything or has no interest in doing anything l) (to work for) a very small amount of money

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