Лабораторная работа № 8 по теме «Дом»

Read the TEXT about British homes again and answer the questions below. QUESTIONS FOR SELF STUDY Student BAnswer the questions about the text in written form.

  1. What element of design is it essential for an Englishman to have inside their house and why?
  2. Why do many older houses in Britain have two living-rooms?
  3. In what way is the attitude to housing of the people in the highest social class diferent from the ordinary people?
  4. Which part of the British house does the front door rarely open onto?
  5. Do the British prefer cosy-looking or physically comfortable articles of furniture?
  6. Who invests into the building of new houses in Britain most often? Why?
  7. What are the two main reasons for a British house to be quite a cold place to live in?
  8. Do the British prefer to own or to rent their accomodation nowadays? When did they begin to do so?
  9. Why is the idea of living in a flat so uncertain for an Englishman? What mental concepts is it related to?
  10. What situation in the housing market can make an Englishman very disappointed? Why?
  11. What two main functions does a British garden serve?
  12. What are the two main reasons why the British aren’t passionate about living in a flat?
  13. What happens to identical houses on one estate some time after the British buy them? Why?
  14. Why do the British have a reputation for bad taste as far as their house decoration is concerned?
  15. Are council houses provided for a temporary or permanent use?
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