Лабораторная работа: Модальные глаголы. Лексическая тема «Дом»

Уважаемые студенты! Данная лабораторная работа состоит из двух аспектов — грамматического и лексического. Вы должны выполнить все задания данной лабораторной работы, сначала по грамматическому, затем по лексическому аспекту. Вам необходимо прикрепить к отчёту по данной странице ссылку на Ваш гугл-документ с выполненной лабораторной работой, предоставив доступ для комментирования гугл-документа.

1. Грамматический аспект:

1) Законспектируйте информацию о модальных глаголах (стр. 103-119) из данного пособия (в гугл-документе):

Модальные глаголы (теория) из учебного пособия Крылова, И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка = A Grammar of Present-day English Practical Course : учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 12-е изд. — М. : Кн. дом «Университет», 2006. — 443 с. — ISBN 5-98227-103-9; 106 экз. : 65-00.

2) Выполните следующие упражнения (в гугл-докукменте): ex. 2, p. 106, ex. 7, p. 109

Модальные глаголы (упражнения) из учебного пособия Крылова, И. П. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. 12-е издание. Университет «Книжный дом», Москва, 2007 г.

2. Лексический аспект:

Выполните следующее задание письменно в гугл-документе:

1. Watch the video and answer the question: Which technology is the most unusual?

2. Write out ALL THE ADVANCED VOCABULARY related to the topic ‘Home’ you can find in the text. Write out not just words, but also phrases. For example, you shouldn’t write out ‘a bed’ because it’s too simple and not ‘advanced’ at all, but you should write out ‘to set the temperature’ because one may not be able to come up with this phrase when he needs an equivalent of a similar phrase in their own language).

3. Translate the vocabulary you have written out into Russian.

You can use the following audioscript, but try to understand the audio without using it first.

Script for Homes in the Future

Good morning. Today I’ll be experiencing a taste of the future.

From the latest in home design to incredible gadgets, I’ll be looking at how we could be living in the future.

A hot shower is a great start to the day, but this is no ordinary shower. It’s using rain water collected from the roof and heated by solar energy, or heat from the sun.

I’m surrounded by some of the most modern houses in the world. Each one has been built as an experiment, designed to test the latest technology and ideas for living.

Some of these houses can evolve as people’s lives change. Thinking of having more housemates? Just add on another layer — like children’s building blocks.

Peter White is the Marketing Manager of the Innovation Park, where the houses are built.


Amandeep: Peter, are these houses really a glimpse of the future?

Peter White: They are. In the next few years, we’ll be living in houses that look like this.

Amandeep: Just how much do they vary from ordinary houses?

Peter White: In some ways they’re very similar. The kitchen, the bathrooms, the televisions are just like now but the technology in the houses makes them much more energy efficient.


You may have seen the next invention in the movies, and it could mean no more lost keys in the future. It’s called fingerprint recognition technology. And it lets you back in.

Now, this control panel is the brain of the house. You can set the temperature, and the shutters close automatically when it’s hot outside. And this is one of my favourites: you get to control the music in every part of the house. So how about a bit of this… Or… maybe we should go for this…

Now, can you guess what this is? It redefines the simple… chair. This rocks — literally. And it’s a library as well. So I can grab my favourite book and just sit back and relax. I think I could spend some time here. So would you mind coming back a little later?


I asked some people who are interested in house design what they would like to see in the house of the future.

Woman 1: I would love a self-cleaning house.

Man 1: I’d like an eco-house that uses renewable energy and doesn’t impact on the environment.

Woman 2: I’d like a device that could carry me up to bed when I feel tired.

Man 2: I’d like a house where I could watch the football in every room.

Woman 3: In my house of the future, I’d like a robot man that I can turn off.


It’s time to relax, and my favourite programme, Word on the Street, is about to start — and on a solar-powered TV!

Homes of the future: Video UK

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