Интонация извинения в английском языке

Разговорные формулы, содержащие извинение, могут упот­ребляться с нисходящим тоном (Low Fall, High Fall), а также с нисходяще-восходящим  тоном (Fall Rise), когда говорящий выражает сожаление о случившемся, раскаяние. Подробнее об интонационных моделях можно узнать в учебном пособии Ирины Александровны Мурзиновой «Do Well in English. Part I»:

И. А. Мурзинова. Do Well in English! Part I : Учебное пособие по практическому курсу английского языка: лексический, фонетический, грамматический аспекты и правила чтения, 2-е издание / И. А. Мурзинова. — [б. м.] : Издательские решения, 2024. — 602 с. ISBN 978-5-0050-4056-5

I’m sorry.

I’m \/sorry. – That’s all right.
I’m ‵sorry. – That’s all right. — I’m ‵so /sorry. – That’s all right. – I’m ↑terribly \sorry. — That’s all right. Don’t worry about it. That’s all right. — I’m ‘sorry I’m \late. — That’s all right. I’m ↑really \sorry. – Never mind. Don’t worry about it. That’s all right. Never mind. Don’t worry about it. Never mind. Don’t worry about it. — I’m ‵really sorry. — Never mind. Don’t worry about it. That’s all right.

Excuse me

Ex\cuse me. – That’s OK. Never mind. No problem.
Ex\cuse me. – That’s OK. – ‘Pardon ‵me. – That’s all right. – ‘Please, ex\cuse me. – That’s OK. Never mind. No problem. – Pardon ‵me. It was ↑my mis‵take. — That’s all right. Don’t worry about it. — I’m ↑terribly ‵sorry. — That’s OK. Never mind. No problem.

It’s all my fault

It’s ↑all ↑my \fault.
It’s ↑all ↑my \fault. It’s ↑all my \fault. I ↑shouldn’t have ‵done it. It’s ↑all ↑my fault. – It doesn’t matter. It’s not important. — I’m ↑terribly ‵sorry. It’s ↑all ↑my \fault. – Don’t be silly. You couldn’t help it. — I’m ↑terribly ‵sorry. – It’s not your fault. Don’t be silly. You couldn’t help it. — I’m ↑terribly ‵sorry. — It’s not your fault.

I’m sorry I did it

I’m ↑sorry I did it. I ‘shouldn’t have ‵done it.
I’m ↑sorry I /did it. I ‘shouldn’t have ‵done it. I’m sorry I \did it. I ‘shouldn’t have \done it. – It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t It doesn’t matter. Honestly. – I’m ↑sorry I ‵took it. I shouldn’t have \taken it. I’m ↑sorry I /wore it. I shouldn’t have ‵worn it. I’m ↑sorry I \wrote it. I shouldn’t have ‵written it. — It doesn’t matter. Honestly. – I ‘should have ‵told you. — It doesn’t matter. — I ‘should have ‵told you. — I ‘shouldn’t have ‵done it. — It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Honestly.

I’m afraid I owe you an apology

I’m af’raid, I ‘owe you an a\pology.
I’m af’raid, I owe you an apology. – What for? What for? – I’m \sorry a’bout ‘last \night. – There’s nothing to apologize for. – I’m ↑very \sorry. I’m ‵really sorry. I’m ‵awfully sorry. I’m ‵terribly sorry. I’m af’raid, I ‘owe you an a\pology. – There’s nothing to apologize for. — I’m ‘sorry a’bout ‘last \night. I’m ‘sorry a’bout ‘last \night. – There’s really nothing to apologize for. — I’m ‘sorry a’bout ‘last \night.

Выражения извинения всегда произносятся с восходящим тоном, если говорящий желает привлечь к себе внимание, продол­жить диалог. Например, фразы Sorry?, Pardon? произнесенные с восходящим тоном могут означать: «Извините, я не расслы­шал. Не могли бы вы повторить свой вопрос» (/Sorry, | I haven’t \got уou. I ‘didn’t under\stand you. ‘Could you ‘possibly re/peat your question?’)

—‘What is your surname?— Sorry?—Your surname, please.

Exercise  Say the apology with proper intonation.

1) — ‘Put your ‘signature in the register book. — I ‘beg your pardon?

— You ‘have to ‘sign here, please. — Oh, yes, ƒ sure.

2) — Oh, I am sorry, madam! I ‘didn’t ‘want to dis turb you! — It’s all right, young man! ‘Try to ‘be ‘more at tentive next time.

3) — I’m so sorry, sir. But I ‘didn’t ‘mean any harm!

4) — I ‘beg your pardon, young lady! I am ‘really ‘very sorry!

5) — Excuse me! Could you ‘help me with my luggage, please?

— With pleasure, madam.

6) — Excuse me! — Yes, Madam! ‘What can I do for you?

7) — Excuse me! — Yes! Can I help you, sir?

8) — Excuse me,  is your ‘name Fred Andrews?

— No, it isn’t. It’s Jake Baker.

— Oh, I am sorry.

1) What’s your name? — Guinevere [ˈɡwɪnɪvɪə].  — Pardon?  Could you spell it, please? —  G-u-i-n-e-v-e-r-e.

2)  What’s your friend’s  name? — Zechariah [ˌzekəˈraɪə]. — Sorry? Could you repeat, please? -Zechariah.

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