Грамматика: Стихотворение на Present Perfect



Read the poem. Choose the function of the present perfect.

a) a recently completed action


b) life experience

“No enemies”

by Charles Mackey

You have no enemies, you say?
Alas, my friend, the boast is poor.
He who has mingled in the fray
Of duty, that the brave endure,
Must have made foes. If you have none
Small is the work that you have done.
You`ve hit no traitor on the hip,
You`ve dashed no cup from perjured lip,
You`ve never turned the wrong to right,
You`ve been a coward in the fight.


Чарльз Маккей. Нет врагов
перевод — Нина Пьянкова
Не нажил, говоришь, врагов?
Позор, мой друг, а не заслуга.
Кто честь отстаивать готов,
Тому бывает в жизни туго.
Коль нет врагов, со всеми мил,
Вполсилы, знать, ты жизнь прожил.
Ты пнуть предателя не смог
Ты не изобличил подлог,
Ты не сорвал со лжи покров.
Признай: у труса нет врагов.

b) The prersent perfect tense can express either an incomplete action that is still going on or a completed (finished) action. Watch the video and decide if the action expressed by the present perfect tense is completed (finished) or incomplete in each case. (There are two cases of an incomplete action and one case of an «incomplete» state. Find them.)

Example: I’ve never seen him before. — incomplete (unfinished) action, the speaker may see the person he is talking about some time later.

c) Read the information about the difference between the present perfect tense and the past simple tense. Then watch the video and say (write) what the difference is between the use of the present perfect and the past simple.

TABLE OF ENGLISH IRREGLAR VERBS (Таблица неправильных глаголов английского языка)

MODAL VERBS: TEXTBOOK Do Well in  English Part 1, page 178



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