- Find some pictures to illustrate the script for the presentation you wrote as part of the previous homework.
- Write a script for a presentation (in no fewer than 350 words). Use The Phrases for a Succsessful Presentation.
- Using Google Presentations, make a presentation. Attach the link to your presentation to this page. See the Instructions on how to make a google presentation in the video below.
You need to:
- use the phrases for presentations and structure you presentation according to the given template
- make a list of (on a separate slide of your presentation), learn and use in your presentation no fewer than 20 expressions from the VIDEOS in the assignments starting from Week One to Week Twelve of this course
Time limit: 6-8 minutes Other requirements Try to TALK to your audience, not read. Don’t write too much text on your slides. Don’t just use pictures without text — have some balance.
- Find some pictures to illustrate the script for the presentation ‘Traditional Russian Meals’ you wrote as part of the previous homework.
- Write a script for a presentation ‘Traditional Russian Meals’ (in no fewer than 350 words). Try to use the vocabulary you have studied so far. Use The Phrases for a Succsessful Presentation.
- Using Google Presentations, make a presentation ‘Traditional Russian Meals’. Add the link to your presentation to the google document with your homework. See the Instructions on how to make a google presentation in the video below.
Тема презентации «Eating habits and climate in the country of the first foreign language you major in (your first studied foreign language)» You need to:
- use the phrases for presentations and structure you presentation according to the given template
- make a list of (on a separate slide of your presentation), learn and use in your presentation no fewer than 20 expressions from the VIDEOS in the assignments starting from Week One to Week Twelve of this course
Time limit: 6-8 minutes Other requirements Try to TALK to your audience, not read. Don’t write too much text on your slides. Don’t just use pictures without text — have some balance. CHECK: You need to: use the phrases for presentations and structure you presentation according to the given template make a list of (on a separate slide of your presentation), learn and use in your presentation no fewer than 20 expressions from the VIDEOS in the assignments starting from Week One to Week Twelve of this course Time limit: 6-8 minutes Other requirements Try to TALK to your audience, not read. Don’t write too much text on your slides. Don’t just use pictures without text — have some balance.
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